Thinking About Knoxville

“I am beginning to believe that black people, no matter where in the world they are, are cursed with a genetic predisposition to steal, murder, and create mayhem.” — Leighton Levy, black journalist.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

On May 26th, 2007, a demonstration was held in downtown Knoxville Tennessee to protest the media blackout of the grisly January murders of two European American college students, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, at the hands of five criminally insane Black criminals. It wasn’t until the blogosphere went ballistic over the near shutdown of this politically incorrect news story – black criminals, white victims – that the mainstream media was forced to reluctantly admit the gruesome details of this young couple’s death; a death many consider a hate crime — except the mainstream media of course. Since an effort was made to degrade and humiliate, both of these kids were raped and tortured. I also suspect they were racially profiled; white, affluent and in possession of valuables. This was not a random robbery like many wrong-headed idiots think it was and I wouldn’t doubt that racial curses were used profusely during this poor couples last hours on earth.

Anyway, a number of American activist organizations assembled the May 26 demonstration in order to point out what they had always known, and what a growing number of European Americans are finally beginning to realize: that unless a brutal crime is perpetrated by Caucasians against non-whites, and the details of the crime are attractive enough to broadcast in order to boost their ratings the story will not (if rarely ever) see the light of day. The folks who put this demonstration together also wanted people to know that this kind of skewed reporting by a traditionally Marxist media follows a pattern, a template, if you will, designed to trick and mislead the general population of European Americans: that being blacks are an eternally oppressed people deserving of anything they want, that in order to be noble white America must mollify its collective guilt over real and imagined slights against the black race.

You’ve seen it yourself. In order to do so the media will flood the public with anything that alarms a nation’s cohesive soul, but will hide related facts that might make them appear bigoted (to their non-white audience). The demonstrators on that Saturday afternoon in Knoxville Tennessee know quite well this case was a perfect opportunity for the media and their toadies in the local government to instill a false reality about the black race as a whole by simply not reporting this crime.

The demonstrators were met by a mob of shrieking so-called ‘anti racists’ dressed like drag queens and clowns purportedly to humiliate the activists by illustrating their open contempt of pro white demonstrations. Right. Now if these oxygen thieves really wanted to fight “hate” they would literally risk life and limb by demonstrating before The Nation of Islam or La Raza, or even the New Black Panther Party. Of course they don’t, not in my experience anyway. These brainwashed utterly deracinated media sucklings who have a deathly fear of appearing ‘intolerant’ are not so much interested in ‘stopping hate’ as they are in being ideologically fashionable before their peers; marginalizing and condemning their own race simply because they are programmed to do so. Other racial groups simply don’t do that to each other. You know, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the American charade is that we all must act as if race does not exist and must never do anything to favor our own racial kin, whatever our race may be. That’s the charade, the myth. The American reality is that only European Americans must act as if race does not exist, while non-Whites can organize all they want along with receiving tax money and corporate donations in order to operate.

As the demonstration on behalf of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom progressed I took note of a few very important things. Now before anyone gets the wrong idea it is not my intent to censure or pass judgment on this event nor do I want to question the motives of the rally. I am not here to condone this rally nor am I here to condemn it. As I said earlier the media had almost gotten away with covering up this murder so as not to inflame public sentiment against blacks. So we should all be glad a few people were motivated enough to raise the public’s consciousness on this matter. And really, you couldn’t help but understand the frustration and ire in the demeanor of the protestors as they railed and swore against their avowed enemies in the media, invoked the names of the murder victims, and responded to the dimwits across the street.  However, I can’t help but think they played into the hands of the media by giving them yet another easy opportunity to disparage and mock European American activism. Now I think we can all agree that whenever white Americans approach something on a racial basis the media and their political puppets in law enforcement and the so-called civil rights groups won’t waste a second attaching the Nazi / bigot label to these activities. Without belaboring the point this is yet another form of Dynamic Silence aimed at the European American viewing audience just in case they start to feel a twinge of perception or gain a better understanding of a particular situation, like this hushed up racial murder.

I just believe the rally should have been more solemn, more cerebral with absolutely no racial symbols and no back and forth shouting matches with the freaks across the street who should have seen nothing but the backs of the demonstrators. I think more of an emphasis on receiving justice coupled with illuminating sober oratory about our racial situation in America before the cameras could have been used to give the public a clearer idea of what was going on, not only with what they were seeing at that moment but behind the scenes all across America. In my opinion we need to learn from May 26th and spotlight two things. 1] The ongoing cover up — with facts and examples — of the media’s reporting of disproportionately high white crime victims. 2] With food for thought, to inspire and motivate, the European American general public should have been urged to become involved on behalf of justice and self preservation and not made to wonder if there was a sinister motive at work. Our people still need to consciously understand that multiculturalism, i.e.; less White people, is incompatible with social cohesion which threatens racial and national survival; that it’s not expedient to accept even a portion of the lies of diversity.

So rather than give the media and law enforcement the fuel they need to magnify the situation, instead of hurling invectives and frightening the people we need to reach our enemies instead should have been forced to blatantly “concoct” their version of this legitimate attendance. They should have been put into a position that demanded outright lies to report this rally. They should have been made to force a round peg into a square hole. Indeed, some badly needed publicity came about. But to most busy tax paying European Americans it may not be a stretch to say the report on the rally in Knoxville veered away from Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, indeed ALL white victims of hushed up non-white crime, and focused instead on the so-called quote ‘haters’ with relative impunity. That can cripple the real message and I personally believe that’s exactly what happened. After all, while a good portion of the population still has the wherewithal to know that every non-white race and demography is working managerially to prevent ‘discrimination’ against their own people and are systemically praised for it European Americans are left with hypocrisy, insults and double standards. Reasonable people can still see that. That’s why we should never hand over our heads on a silver platter when it comes to public presentations. That’s why racialists in Europe are making such amazing headway in their respective governments in spite of some of the most draconian quote anti hate laws in the world. That’s why it is so important to force the enemies of our people to transparently rail against a perceived threat when the reality of what our people are seeing says no such thing.

No, I’m not saying that’s the magic formula. The Marxist media are no fools and they are masters at deception and they have a bottomless pit of resources. And no, I am also not saying pro European American activists should act like wimps for fear of being labeled in a negative light either. Far from it. We have a right and a duty to be angry, damned angry. Especially after what the criminals loosed upon our people after the civil rights movement and decades of television brainwashing did to Channon Christian and Chris Newsom all in the name of ‘diversity,’ all the name of tolerance, and all in the name of fairness. Gatherings like these are always fertile ground for the inevitable blizzard of media intimidation, infiltration and disinformation; a softening–up process that leads up to inaction.  We do have options ladies and gentlemen. So let’s consider them all and reason together as we move forward on behalf of our descendants.


The opinions expressed in editorials, letters, e-mail and guest columns posted on this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions of European Americans

