For Conservatives, Time To Break With Disastrous Bush Presidency

“Conservatives need to declare their independence of Bush and to repudiate Bushism as the philosophy of their movement and party.”

By Patrick J. Buchanan

“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.”

So said Jefferson. It would appear to be time again for a little rebellion in the Grand Old Party—this time against George II.

For President Bush has attacked his own loyalists for a lack of patriotism. “If you don’t want to do what’s right for America,” he said of opponents of the Bush-Kennedy immigration bill, “if you want to scare the American people, what you say is the bill’s an amnesty bill. That’s empty political rhetoric, trying to frighten our citizens.”

But if the 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens are instantly legalized, what other term is there to describe that than amnesty? Not only are opponents not doing “what’s right for America,” their courage is in question: “People in Congress need the courage to go back to their districts and explain exactly what this bill is all about. The fundamental question is, will elected officials have the courage necessary to put a comprehensive immigration plan in place.” [Bush Takes On Conservatives Over Immigration, By Jim Rutenberg, New York Times, May 30, 2007

Where, one wonders, was “Bush’s Brain,” Karl Rove?

For, worse than a crime, this attack on his base was a blunder. The people Bush is savaging—columnists, commentators, talk-show hosts, congressmen fighting his bill—have been the front-line troops in his fight to sustain funding for the war.
