James Edwards vs. NAACP Spokesman on CNN

Political Cesspool host makes appearance


James Edwards

I was back on CNN last night for the second time in eight days, this time to discuss the horrific murders of a White couple in Knoxville by four Black predators.  Most of the regular listeners to our program will be familiar with this story, as we’ve covered it several times since the murders took place a few months ago.  Until this week, we had been one of the few mainstream radio outlets talking about the heinous crime.  It apparently registered on the radar of the national media only after a rally in defense of the slain White couple was held last weekend in east Tennessee.

CNN called me yesterday afternoon on short notice (about two hours before showtime) to ask if I was available to square off against a spokesman from the NAACP.  Naturally, I accepted the interview request and began scrambling to make preparations to speak on this issue.  Just before we went on-air, CNN played a video package which asserted that those who had attended the rally in defense of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were “White Supremacists” and that some governmental officials in Knoxville don’t believe the kidnapping, rape and torture of the two young college students should be classified as a “hate crime.”Kiran Chetry was filling in for Paula Zahn in New York and I wasted no time tackling the issue from a common-sense perspective after being introduced.  I commented that the authorities in Knoxville were wrong and that they were probably afraid of offending the false gods of Political Correctness by labeling this a ‘hate crime.’  It was my opinion that this certainly was a ‘hate crime’ and that if the races had been reversed this would have been the top news story in America for weeks back in February when it originally happened.

The NAACP guy stated that he believed the media attention allotted to this case would not have been more intense had it been a White on Black crime rather than the other way around.  I retorted that the NAACP never believes that brutal crimes committed by Blacks against Whites are motivated by racial hatred and then challenged my counterpart to provide America with an example of a random act of violence such as this in which Blacks carjacked, kidnapped, raped, tortured, and mutilated another Black couple before killing them.  Not surprisingly, he couldn’t provide the viewing audience with that information.

By all accounts, I believe this was my strongest performance out of my three appearances on CNN thus far.  I only regret that I wasn’t given the opportunity to make one final comment.  The debate between the NAACP leader and myself was supposed to have lasted four minutes, but it was cut dramatically short.  I was pacing myself and wanted to make the final two points in closing:

1) With regards to those who showed up in Knoxville (who were labeled “Klansmen” and “Nazis” etc.) – Conservative activists often get maligned with nefarious descriptions because they dare stand up and speak out.  I don’t know the hearts and minds of those who attended the Knoxville rally because I wasn’t there.  However, with regards to their demonstration, they were doing the right thing by bringing attention to the despicable double standard this case has received.  God Bless them for that.  We were treated with round the clock news coverage of the phony Duke “rape” scandal for months and it never even took place.  Does anyone really believe that this crime, one that actually happened, is not deserving of at least equal media attention?  The reason why this case has been treated so obscurely by the mainstream media is because the alleged culprits are Black and the victims are White.  Period.

2) The United States Department of Justice asserts that Blacks are exponentially more likely to commit violent crimes than Whites.  We need to be able to have frank discussions about racial issues in this country without fear of repercussion.  Had Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome been aware of these racial realities, perhaps they’d still be alive today.  If the rest of us can become aware of these realities, perhaps occurrences like this will be less likely to happen in the future.

Again, the final two points were going to be made by me had I been given one more time to speak.  I’m not sure why CNN cut the segment so short, but I can’t really complain.  A couple of minutes on national television is better than nothing and I was blessed by having the opportunity to reappear on the Paula Zahn show again so quickly.

My other visits to the Paula Zahn show were on April 4 and May 21.  The topics were self-segregation and census figures, respectively.  The footage of these interviews is available on YouTube and can be found on our website.  Video footage from my appearance on May 29 will be added as soon as possible.

Most Sincerely,

James Edwards
Host, The Political Cesspool Radio Program  

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