Were Whites In Southern Africa Before Blacks?

by Jan Lamprecht

When I was writing http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0963294733/qid=1116307869/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/104-9599680-5410361?v=glance&s=books&n=507846, I met also with a former Colonel who also had a doctorate. He showed me an extensive paper he had written on the subject of Black colonization of southern Africa, complete with maps, and stated that parts of the region were settled by Whites before Blacks. This is not an oddball theory and everything he said is already sitting in the history books.

However, for politically correct reasons, nobody states this firmly established fact: that blacks migrated thousands of miles and colonized southern Africa only in recent centuries. In fact, if you will study the history (as opposed to the rubbish which some African-Americans have written in their complete and unadulterated wishful-thinking-induced ignorance about Africa), you will find that Blacks only inhabited a portion of Africa until recently.

What you need to understand about blacks and whites in the past is that Black and White societies behaved very differently. White society (long before Colonialism – going back to Ancient Greece and earlier) had learned to settle down and build cities. Thus, in Europe (and also in Asia), you can trace the history of a people because they had enough technology and structure to build cities and to inhabit a place for centuries. But in Africa, Blacks were largely nomads. The only cities that existed in Africa prior to the arrival of whites were a handful in West Africa, Timbuktu being one of them. But in Africa south of the equator, one finds no cities.Let it be said that: South of the equator, there are no cities that were inhabited by blacks which could’ve been considered cities in the normal sense of the word as you would understand them.

That’s not to say the blacks didn’t have “cities” composed of huts, which they did. The Zulus for example had their “capital city” and during the reign of Chaka, he actually decided to relocate his capital. Since the entire “city” was composed of nothing but huts made of wood and grass, it was pretty easy to abandon one site in its entirety and to move elsewhere.

Since blacks did not build stone or brick structures, and had no plumbing, water works or any other modern infrastructure (they did not even build roads or have wheeled vehicles), the relocation of a whole village was not an issue.

Blacks never were advanced enough to develop a “civilisation” in the way it is understood in Europe, Asia even the Americas under Indians.

Black tribes were nomadic due to their extreme backwardness, as we can observe on the Discovery channel’s shows about traditional Africans. Often their poor agricultural methods of slash and burn meant that even if they practiced agriculture, they could not remain in the same area because they wore out the soil. Blacks who practiced agriculture would move into an area, cut down the trees, set fire to the place and clear the land. Then they’d “farm” there for a few years before the soil was too poor to produce a decent crop. Then they’d relocate.

Blacks, prior to the arrival of the White man, did not occupy territory in the sense we do. They now want to pretend that they possessed real estate – and yes they did occupy some land – but they also vacated and abandoned it. Remember too, there weren’t that many Blacks around. Their populace was a tiny fraction of their numbers today due to a population explosion brought on by Western medicine. So there was plenty of space in Africa, and blacks only used a small portion of it at any given time time.

According to modern historians, the Blacks who occupied southern Africa, migrated there from central Africa. They did not live here prior to that. Prior to that, there were bushmen (san people) and Hottentots (who were completely wiped out). The blacks actually murdered and chased the Bushmen down the length of southern Africa. The Bushmen are almost extinct now.

The local Bushmen befriended the Whites because the Bushmen hated the migrating Blacks. That remained so even during Apartheid, as Bushmen always had a good association with whites.

