Action Alert: Three Pronged Attack

When you silence the Men of the Word, you will have to deal with the Men of the Sword. – Paul Fromm

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

For those of you in our listening audience who are still observant enough to care about the future of your children, race and nation you’ve probably noticed during this past week an amazing convergence of actions coming out of Washington DC. I wish I could report to you today that these events are positive and uplifting. But they are not. As is typical with the denizens who inhabit that once fair city we are once again witnessing — in greater volume than I can ever remember I might add – a particularly vicious assault on the already mortally weakened sovereignty of our country and ultimately the welfare of our people. 

In no uncertain terms we at European Americans United want you to consider this broadcast as a clarion call to act. The upcoming weeks regarding what I am about to put before you are going to be more important than anything I can personally remember. Your participation is going to be critical because we have been presented with a golden opportunity to take victory away from our insolent enemies; the real haters who utterly despise free speech, free choice and national sovereignty.

First, there is an ongoing effort to ban Rep Ron Paul (R) of Texas from future presidential debates. And just who is pushing to stop this decent sensible man from speaking his mind as the voters who elected him asked him to do? Why none other than the very same political party to which he belongs, the so-called Republicans. And why would his very own colleagues turn on one of their own like a pack of rabid badgers? Well it’s simple. Rep. Ron Paul, a grass roots conservative populist, decided to break the rules during a presidential debate by stepping outside the parameters of acceptable ideas; ideas which his fellow Republican hacks cling to for fear of their portrayal in the media. The honorable Ron Paul doesn’t feel the need to go along in order to get along. On May 15th in South Carolina Ron Paul greatly upset the very messianic Rudy Giuliani by correctly saying that American foreign policy in the Middle East is causing the violence against us. Giuliani implied that Ron Paul was unpatriotic to suggest the violence against us may be in reaction to U.S. policy in the Middle East. You see, Ron Paul doesn’t buy into the idea that Muslims hate us and attacked New York and Washington in 2001 simply because we’re “free.” Nor did he blame America for the ongoing violence and neither did he say we deserved it. He simply said our involvement in that Third World pesthole has definitely contributed to it. As a matter of fact he is the only candidate I’m aware of who has looked at the evidence and came to that reality-based conclusion while the other Stepford wives who want to be president did not. Incidentally, Ron Paul as president wants to stop all future immigration from the Third World into the United States; and he also thinks we should drastically reform our current immigration policies.

With sickening candor his so-called fellow conservatives on Fox News went for the jugular, in spite of the fact that Ron Paul won an online survey immediately after the debate. Specifically, the effort to ban Rep. Paul from any more future debates is being spearheaded by a particularly vindictive party clown by the name of Saul Anuzis, the Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party. Ron Paul is the only candidate who appears to be worth having as president and we need to hear more of what he says. Therefore, it’s imperative that we all contact this media fearing puppet, Mr. Anuzis, and let him know we’re not as stupid as he thinks we are.

Telephone: 517-487-5413 FAX: 517-487-0090

Secondly, lurking in the wings is the new and improved hate crime legislation, Senate bill S. 1105. And of course the usual suspects are pimping for its passage like never before. According to “‘People in the Jewish community have a strong memory and good understanding of the impact hate crimes have,’ said Hadar Susskind, Washington director of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. The JCPA mobilized tens of local Jewish groups to contact their congressmen on the issue…. In an effort to pressure the president not to use his veto pen to block this legislation, Jewish groups are organizing letters and meetings that aim to stress the importance that the Jewish community sees in passing the bill. Other groups will take similar action: mainstream Christian and other religious organizations, law enforcement agencies and women’s rights advocacy groups… If this mobilization does not manage to convince the White House, supporters of the bill intend to attach the measure to a “must pass” piece of legislation, making it difficult for the president to exercise his veto.”

Indeed, if its to be believed that President George Bush actually wants to veto this piece of legislation it is vitally important that we burn up the phone and fax lines by contacting our congress critters in the House of Representatives, through which S. 1105 has to be amended, i.e.; made less obvious that its really a thought crime package designed to throw you in prison and ruin your life because you had a few unflattering things to say about non-whites, gays, and Semites. You know what I mean: the same kind of laws currently in place in Europe and Canada, not to mention 45 American states, which sends the modern day secret police after you if you uncross a “tittle” or un-dot an ‘I’ regarding certain historical events or, or if you say that homosexuality is a filthy practice, or if you present chronological evidence that racial equality is a social construct based in fantasy land. And before I forget here’s another number you can call: The White House: 202-456-1111.

And then of course there’s the current immigration / mestizo / amnesty compromise looming over our heads. According to writer and commentator H. Millard: “On Thursday (17 May), key Republican and Democrat senators announced an agreement with the White House on an amnesty bill that will continue the invasion of the U.S. by millions and millions of non-Europeans who will dump trillions and trillions of their genes in the gene pool which may eventually cause the extinction of European-Americans. … The psychotic blending zeitgeist of our age demands that all peoples, all religions and all nations be blended together. This is anti-evolutionary, anti-life, and genocidal. People are not fungible. They are all different and they have a right to remain different.”

Although backers of the immigration bill claim it does not grant amnesty to millions of people who sneaked into the country criminally, European Americans with good sense and others groups insist that it most surely does. For one thing, the bill would create a special ‘Z’ visa for millions of illegal aliens already in the country, giving them immediate, temporary legal status; which is to say they would immediately be eligible for the tax dollars you are not allowed to keep each payday in the form of social services. The liberal media and their scurrying side kicks in Washington continue to insult our intelligence by telling us that in order to gain permanent residency, Third World aliens would have to pay some fees, a $5,000 fine, and heads of households would have to return to their home countries first and then re-enter the United States. Right. And how are we supposed to keep with all of this activity when we can’t even track the millions of aliens who invade our borders right now? And not only that few people have even seen the text of this legislation although some of the details are leaking out. What we need to do is to complain loudly in no uncertain terms to these so called elected representatives before Memorial Day because near as I can tell they’re going to rush to vote on the bill in a matter of days.

Make no mistake about it, the Bush-Senate Z Amnesty plan is 100 percent amnesty because it immediately offers legal status to every illegal alien in this country, which by definition is amnesty. It creates a clear path to citizenship and, when all is said and done, they really don’t even have to ‘touch back’ to their home countries to stay in the U.S. until further notice. Thankfully there’s a lot of personal outrage boiling up out here from grassroots European Americans who feel deceived by President Bush who supports the bill and the Senate, both of whom know who butters their bread. Again, we need to rattle their world in Washington with an ensuing maelstrom of howling dissidence. Now, I know many of you believe it does no good to call these people and you will hesitate to do so. Well, who can blame you for being cynical? The fact that they are able to pull off what they’re doing now certainly proves why many are reluctant to get involved. But I want you to remember that progress can be made IF the volume and the velocity of our reaction overwhelm their flaccid self important existence, by threatening the one thing they hold dear: power. Contact them without fear, without remorse. You have a voice; use it now before the day comes when whatever precious liberty we still have evaporates under tyranny.

So there you have it. It seems like everywhere you look, there is yet another angry, bony little fist, making demands over something. Three dangerous movements are afoot. 1] They want to silence presidential candidate Ron Paul because he’s saying things that are different from what his cohorts are saying and they don’t think you need to hear about it, thank you very much. 2] Yet another federal thought crime bill which seeks to empower millions of non-whites while marginalizing our nation’s European American population – who do you think this bill is aimed against? – is about to drop like manna from heaven into the laps of the liberals and the globalists. 3] A seismic shift in our nations European American demographic complexion, and paid for with your tax money is about to be dealt a crippling blow with a massive amnesty for millions upon millions of Third World aliens who actually feel entitled your money, your daughters and your land, period. And as far as I am concerned all three of these recent developments are interrelated and I also have a hard time believing that simple logistics has brought all three of these measures under our noses. Why? Because the nation killers and social engineers see a weak unliked little man sitting in the White House. They see an over abundance of leftists in both houses of congress who are more willing and more able than their counterparts, the so-called Republicans, to implement their nakedly lethal death blow to our country and by extension to our people.

These are what the corporate shills want, cheap labor.

These are what the warmongers want, imperialism.

These are what the unions want, more members.

These are what the churches want, more parishioners.  

These are what the globalists want, no borders.

These are what the so-called civil rights groups want, persecution.

These pernicious nation killing measures are what they all want; less influence and less numbers of white people in America.

Imagine for just a minute the sweetness of victory when we overcome this three pronged attack by not letting them have their way. Let’s get busy, right now.

Thanks for listening.

Let them hear from you

