Permanent Underclass: From Illegal to Legal With the Stroke of a Pen

An unregulated flow of immigrants across our southern border has opened the door to the least educated members of the nations south to come here and exploit the opportunities open to them in the USA

By Warner Todd Huston

The Democrat Party is angling to destroy the economic and societal balance of the United States by creating a permanent lower class that it can exploit for votes … and the Republicans are helping them.

Now, before you go off castigating me for going off into tin-foil hat territory, I am not saying that this is their stated goal. I do not believe that the Democrats think they are creating a permanent lower, slave class. But, they are looking to create a permanent class of voters who will keep them in power because those voters would ostensibly be forever dependent upon Democrats’ control of government handouts. And that, when all is said and done, is just the same as intending to keep lower class, uneducated (currently) illegal aliens in thrall and enslaved to Democrat Party operatives and in a permanent status as lower class citizens unable to rise from their downtrodden position on the lowest rungs of the ladder of success.

An unregulated flow of immigrants across our southern border has opened the door to the least educated members of the nations south to come here and exploit the opportunities open to them in the USA. They come here to better their lives, and who could blame them? The hellholes they are coming from would cause any sane man to risk all to leave there and come to the USA. Americans who get upset over this law breaking, wondering what kind of scum-bag would purposefully break the law like that, are righteously angry, but that anger is based on a serious misunderstanding of the world these people are leaving.We in the US are raised to respect the law… or at least realize we must live by it. And, despite our constant griping about how “unfair” our laws are, they are still orderly and well patrolled by authorities as well fair enough not to cause a total breakdown of society.

On the other hand, the “law” where these immigrants come from is neither fair nor orderly. It is even a bit absurd to call the conditions under which the lower classes south of us live as any kind of “law” at all. Consequently, these people grow up having no respect for the rule of law because their “rule of law” has no respect built in for the common man. So, to come here by breaking a law is a meaningless distinction to them all the way around. Where they come from laws aren’t made to benefit them so why have respect for law anywhere else if that is all you know?

So, it is ridiculous to blame the immigrant. On the other hand, it is perfectly reasonable to blame the US government for allowing them to break our laws. It is as much the fault of the Federal government that these uneducated illegal aliens come here as it is the governments of the nations back home that cause them to need to leave them in the first place.

And now, here they are with no way to rise into the middle classes, as past immigrant classes have been able to do. They will be stuck forever in the lower class making them an easy target for exploitation and the perfect voting base for a Party that relies on the under educated and overly needy to stay in power.

In any case, the Democrats are extremely close to their goal if the demographics reported by the census bureau are any indication. As the New York Times reports, “More than 20 percent of children in the United States either are foreign-born or have a parent who was born abroad. Nearly half the children under age 5 are Hispanic, black or Asian.”—-From-Illegal-to-Legal-With-the-Stroke-of-a-Pen-S-GOP-Buckles-Under/Page1.html
