Mugabe’s New Best Friends

No racial problem there, right?

by Ian Mosley

Well, folks, it’s time we took another look at that paradise of black rule, Zimbabwe. You know, the southern African nation that used to be called Rhodesia, and which under white rule was an advanced and economically vibrant society that actually exported food to the rest of Africa. Under international pressure the last white prime minister Ian Smith surrendered the White-run nation to black communists. They “liberated” the country from “evil white racism” and established a Marxist black dictatorship, where millions of black people are now starving or have fled. That Zimbabwe.

The reports “Tazivei, a tough-looking 30 year-old, works at the S&M brickworks outside Harare, and he’s just been paid. He should be a happy man, but he’s not. He’s covered in bites from lice, his hands and feet are corrugated with painful cracks, he works in filthy conditions and his pay is miserably low. Tazivei works for the Chinese. The Chinese are Mugabe’s new friends. China is currently the world’s biggest investor in Zimbabwe, and Chinese-owned businessmen flourish here (the southern part of Harare has become known as China City).” (As a historical aside, the first Asians that Mugabe brought in were the North Koreans, who provided troops in the mid-1980s to maintain Mugabe’s Marxist one-party state in power and slaughter his tribal and political enemies.)
It seems that the Zimbabwean blacks aren’t very appreciative of having exchanged white rule for the much worse yellow rule. The ‘Tazivei stuffs his pay in his pocket, and gestures around the brickworks. “Look at it. There are no toilets here. That’s why it stinks. We have to go where we can. So most of us have got dysentery. The government knows, but it doesn’t care.’…He peels off his shirt to show me his back. It is pockmarked with bites. Lice and flies thrive here. He shows me scars, too. ‘We are given no protective clothes, no overalls or gloves or safety shoes.’ Mr Meng isn’t totally blind to his workers’ needs. Occasionally he distributes Chinese-made plastic shoes, known here derisively as ‘Zhing Zhongs’. They fall apart in a week. Tazivei is a union member, but his senior regional officer, Alex Masarakufa, is helpless to change things. ‘Nothing much we can do,’ he told me.’ ”

But…but…but at least you’re not being bossed around by a horrible wicked white male, right? After all, the liberal do-gooders tell us that’s the worst possible scenario. That’s why rule was taken away from whites, who kept everyone fed, and given to black Marxists, who stole farms from whites -occasionally murdering the farmers- until there were no white farmers and almost no food production. also notes “Zimbabwe’s dependence on China is breathtaking. More than 35 different Chinese companies now operate in the country, and Chinese investment stands at US$600m. In return the Chinese are awarded mining concessions and acres of rich tobacco-growing land, much of which was grabbed from the white farmers for redistribution to black people. Under one recent deal, China is to give Zimbabwe a US$58m finance facility, to purchase farming equipment, implements and tools. In return, Zimbabwe must send 110,000 tonnes of tobacco to China over two years.”

So it looks like the so-called “war veterans” (communist thugs and terrorists) aren’t even going to be allowed to keep the farms they stole from the whites. Instead, the farms are going to be given to Asians to run. A simple agrarian economy based on growing a few staple products like tobacco and wheat is too much for Mugabe. But I’m sure the new Chinese owners of all those lovely farms will need agricultural laborers. So who knows? Maybe some of the Blacks can get their old jobs on the farm back for a fraction of the pay. Just ask nicely, hat in hand. And be sure always to call the yellow man “Boss.” No racial problem there, right? At least I don’t hear the liberals complaining.
