Apologies For Slavery and Everything Else

“It is abundantly clear that the atonement process which white people have adopted has gone far enough.”

By Jim Jackson

Since the Civil Rights movement nearly a half century ago, blacks have made a continuing series of demands from white people, and white people have bent every rule in the book to satisfy their demands.

In the 1960s, white people put in place laws to remove race as a consideration for anything in America. Blacks were free to achieve anything they could. Whites then put in place “helping hand” and “affirmative action” programs to assist blacks into the mainstream. Although it violated the Civil Rights Acts, whites then added “quotas,” based on race, for blacks in every facet of American life. Whites then added “proportionality” to these quotas, insuring blacks of participation in the mainstream at the very least in proportion to their population. Finally, whites set up a politically correct system to prevent any criticism of anything blacks do or say. All of these protections and privileges have now been in place for nearly half a century. Black people have not had to earn anything — it has all been given to them by white people. It can hardly be any better for black people any place in the world.

All of this has been acceptable to mainstream America. However, it has become more than noticeable that black people have not only refused to earn their way into the mainstream, but they are continuing to demand more and more retribution. The concept of “systemic racism” has been adopted in order to support a continuing demand for preferences– as long as white people are the dominate force in America, black people are being abused. “Whiteness” studies have been put in place in most of our elite universities. These studies are designed to find ways to eliminate the white race in America.” In addition, it has become quite clear that black people have developed an in-your-face-white-people mentality that promises to permanently balkanize them. They have even adopted the African culture instead of the white culture that founded and built this great country, and who have tried very hard to encourage blacks to enter the mainstream. However, the actions of the blacks seem to be intentionally designed to keep themselves from becoming part of mainstream America.More recently, blacks are demanding apologies from white people for slavery, segregation and everything else. This, no doubt, is another ruse in their long-going demands for reparations. Their logic seems to be “if we were paid some money, everything would be all right.” I’ve even heard a discussion on television of giving blacks a part of this country – their own state. That may be what is happening in Congress with the recent approval of a bill in the House to grant voting privileges to residents of the District of Columbia — a first step toward statehood.

It is abundantly clear that the atonement process which white people have adopted has gone far enough. It is also clear that the civil rights movement has been dirtied, and should be abandoned. It is further clear that those who have orchestrated the black community’s move toward balkanization and permanent victim status, should be exposed for the racial fraud that they have unleashed on American society.

What should be done to put an end to all of this charade? Let’s discuss the “apology” issue, by asking the question — Just who is it that deserves an apology and from whom?

I would suggest that if the black people in America want an apology for slavery, they should first demand it from their own ancestors — the ones who rounded them up like cattle and sold them to the slave traders — the ones who are still practicing slavery today. And, by the way, the white European colonials who settled and built most of Africa, did away with slavery while they remained in Africa. But, when they turned the countries over to the locals, slavery was reinstated.

Second, I would further suggest that the black people in America demand an apology from their own for being slave masters. According to black historian Duke University Professor John Hope Franklin, of the 10,689 free blacks living in New Orleans in 1860, over 3,000, or 28 percent, owned slaves. At this same time, six blacks in Louisiana owned 65 or more slaves. The widow C. Richards and her son had 152 slaves working their sugar cane plantation. Antoine Dubuclet, another slave magnate owned over 100 slaves. His estate was valued at $264,000 (1860 dollars). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978. In South Carolina, 125 free blacks owned slaves. In North Carolina there were 69 who owned slaves. William Ellison, was a former slave who became the largest black slave owner in South Carolina with 63 slaves. He owned more slaves than 99 percent of the South’s slave owners, and he was richer than 90 percent of his white neighbors. And, there were many more.

Third, blacks should demand an apology from the American Indians for enslaving blacks. Five tribes in 1860 had a total of 9,951 black slaves — Cherokee – 4,600, Choctaw – 2,344, Creeks -1,532, Chickasaws – 975, and Seminoles – 500. The Cherokees have just recently removed all black descendants of their slaves from their tribal rolls.

Fourth, black people should apologize for what they have done to every major city in the country that they have taken over. All of these once prosperous cities, and there are many, including our nation’s capital, Washington DC, have been turned into economic, educational and social ghettos. Blacks tend to blame it on white flight, but that in itself is an indictment of the managerial ability of the black leadership and the black people who put them in leadership roles.

Fifth, blacks should apologize for the on-going degradation of the public school system. Initially, for demanding that the system’s primary objective be changed from education of the children to socially engineering the races. And, for their demands for equality of outcome, a requirement that can only be accomplished by “dumbing down” the education of all of the students, but especially those who, if given a chance, could achieve to a high level.

Sixth, the black community should apologize for its degradation of the morals of the country. Crime and drugs are rampant in this community, and family values, evidenced by over 70 percent of the children being born illegitimate, has hit rock bottom. Blacks should especially apologize for the filth that has become the norm on black television, and the terrible influence this has on the children.

Seventh, that portion of the community led by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, should apologize for labeling as “Good Blacks” (i.e. “Uncle Tom”-editor) those blacks who have worked hard and succeeded in the mainstream. A culture that demeans the success of their own people is downright stupid.

Finally, the black community should express its gratitude to the white American Colonization Society which in 1847 helped 13,000 free blacks return to Africa and form their own country — Liberia. They should also express their gratitude to those white people who brought them to America in the first place, where their lives, even in slavery, were better than those who remained in Africa. No black people in the world are better off than those who live here in America. In addition, blacks should apologize for accepting a half century of preferential treatment and reparations in the form of a permanent welfare system, a free health care system and guaranteed permanent government jobs. In fact, blacks have been hired by federal agencies at a rate 12 to 841 percent above assigned affirmative action quotas.

Apologies and expressions of gratitude accepted. And, my hope is that black people will take all of the privileges, preferential treatment and reparations that have been provided by white people, throw their victim mentality, espoused by their leadership, out the window and begin to earn their way into mainstream America — no one can be given equality. White people have, and will continue to help. However, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 should be strictly enforced, i.e., no more racial preferences in America.
