Illegal Immigrant Movement Teaching Children Lawlessness

Christian group says illegals break moral laws

Biblical Family Advocates has been observing the illegal immigration movement that is bent on coming to America illegally without regard for the laws of America. They are asserting that “no human is illegal.”

But Biblical Family Advocates is concerned with this line of reasoning. Many well intentioned people seem to have forgotten to teach their children to obey the laws of the land as well as submitting to the governing authorities.

“It seems apparent to me that the children of illegal immigrants are being taught to do the very thing the Bible condemns. They are being taught to covet their neighbor’s goods and that stealing is justified if it benefits you. How will they teach their children to obey the laws of any nation when they justify lawlessness as a lifestyle? To take jobs, government funds and services from legal Americans is a form of stealing.” says Phil Magnan of Biblical Family Advocates. “They are taking from others what they do not own. This does not love your neighbor nor doing unto others as you would have done unto you.””Remarkably, if I were to break any laws of America or any country for that matter, I would expect to be punished and yet the illegal immigrant movement seems to have forgotten that point. They want to be a special class of people that can steal, covet and enjoy the fruits of America all in the name of self entitlement. But the worst thing about all of this is that the children are being taught that stealing and coveting are justifiable. And yet Jesus Christ Himself hated lawlessness. Their actions contradict the words of Romans 13 that says that we are to “submit to the governing authorities”. They are not obeying the governing laws of America. There is no question that the people of Mexico and other countries need compassion and help, but they should not try to justify their unlawful actions because their own government has failed them.”
