Voices Across the Water

“The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” – Dante Alighieri

By Frank Roman

audio version

ONE OF THE MOST troubling articles I’ve ever read on our news site, Western Voices World News, is called Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model by Fjordman. If you haven’t seen it I suggest you do so at the conclusion of this broadcast. In it the author explains how the social system in the country of Sweden is literally collapsing under the weight of the combined forces of Islamic Jihad, state-enforced multiculturalism and psychotic pseudo-tolerance. It goes on to explain an openly vicious, Orwellian effort by the “authorities” to relegate native Swedes to just another ethnic group by erasing their own people’s history and culture. In other words, European Swedes have no more claim to their country than, for example, “the Kurds or the Somalis who arrived there last Thursday.” And yet these same invaders have been given the right to claim Sweden’s resources if they so desire, and you know they will.

Now I realize many people don’t care at all about Sweden’s destiny. Many view Sweden — which features some of the most beautiful (albeit psychologically damaged) women in the world — as just a great place to obtain pornography, Volvo cars and cough drops. Well, I have some bad news for these people. Unless they turn off their basketball games and condemn even more calls to allow the ongoing seismic breach at our southern border and reject even more so-called “hate crime” laws, the same thing is going to happen here. In fact it’s already happening here and our window of opportunity to address this morbid state of affairs is closing fast. After all, greedy transnational corporations and their political poodles who offshore US manufacturing jobs by destroying the hopes and livelihoods of blue-collar European Americans won’t be going away anytime soon, since it is they who globally pimp away America’s fortunes to the Third World.  Even though the insidious gains from off shoring, hate crime laws and calls for even more miscegenation in the media and in our schools are subtle, the costs are very intense and very noticeable. As a people of European descent we have to face the fact that our main problem is not something as simple as political disagreement, because there really is no political disagreement in Washington, but instead lies in what today’s Marxists sneeringly call the ‘lumpen proletariat’; that enormous section of our people too indifferent or absorbed in decadence to throw its mass behind any great cause however dignified or crucial. Let’s be real here, ladies and gentlemen: The mere fact that you’re listening to this broadcast tells me you don’t fit this description.

So how do we, you and I, fire up and organize European Americans just to make an effectively educated decision, to understand that our future as a people is rapidly paralleling places like Sweden? Well, our answer lies in Europe. Although many people in Europe behave exactly like our own demoralized and lazy fellow community members, there is a rising tide of anger over there marked by tighter rules to gain citizenship and opposing illegal immigrantion. Thankfully Muslims are bearing the largest impact of this improvement and appropriately so, since they are the population most accountable for the ongoing revolution of Europe into a sadistic Middle-Eastern pesthole. In its recent parliamentary elections the European Union had no choice but to admit a rising number of populist and nationalist deputies from places like Poland, Austria, Germany and France. Our friends in Bulgaria and Romania have recently become members of the European Union, bringing in their own brand of patriotism to join the ever-swelling ranks of our awakened kinsmen. Now I am pleased to announce this is causing warranted alarm to our globalist enemies here in the United States and abroad and I’m frankly glad to see it. At the very least they deserve our perpetual scorn.

Ever since our ancestors trod the sunlit plains of Europe or set foot in a lush deep forest of the New World, the one defining quality they had to have as they worked to survive was commitment–commitment to themselves of course, but most importantly, commitment to their immediate family and next their extended family, their clan if you will. You can be sure those in “less comfortable” times an iron will was required for our people to endure and thrive. And you can also be sure the hereditary traits behind that strength of character still exist. It exists in you, my friend, so let’s be honest here: the efforts of our people, in spite of our flaws and imperfections, has resulted in a civilization that less-deserving races envy–-or even hate us for–and want to be a part of with all of their biological contamination and cultural unsightliness no matter who doesn’t like it. And, of course, there are certain other groups and individual nation-killers with a lot of authority and persuasion who are committed to the idea that the races of the Third World should be incorporated into all nations of European heritage. After all, you certainly don’t see this same globalist cream of the crop urging White people to move to Haiti, Mexico or Burundi, do you? Unfortunately, these globalists who fully deserve to be branded as haters have the upper hand right now. But as I said a minute ago there is an equal and opposite backlash against this insanity in Europe and it is our job in European Americans United to follow suit. What we need is a sensible, effective elite of our own, a cadre of individuals who have broken away from the consumer driven haze of apathy, who reject hobbyist “movements” and instead have decided to throw their influence and resources into a cause greater than themselves; a fearless ethics driven political and social entity that decries the marginalization of our people and culture and seeks to displace our enemies. In other words we want people like our Founding Fathers who like Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Francis Scott Key and even Abraham Lincoln wanted racial separation on a continental scale. Those who claim to embrace phony versions of conservatism or liberalism, independent or populist who allow multiracialism and all its shock on our women, on our elderly, and on our innocent children not only have our blood on their hands, but they stand directly against the European American tradition, despite all their counterfeit flag-waving and declarations to the contrary.

We are who we are because those who came before us created us — another link in the timeless chain of our people, the people who built this nation and trusted that they would continue — through us, their descendants — into the never-ending future. We are their descendants — and it is the business of our generation also to become European ancestors. No one but us can carry on who we are in spite of the fact that countless religious political and self righteous liars and demagogues try to convince you otherwise. It is our duty to do whatever is necessary to make that happen.

