Western Culture Institute: Books for Children

The men and women of European Americans United understands the value of educating our children in ways that will enable them to face an uncertain future. Public schools are of little help these days, what with their cosmopolitan / mutilcultural ideals; ideals that ultimately allows bad behavior to become a virtue by, among other things, stifling their identity as European Americans in a world of relativism. Because our children will one day wear the mantle of our memory we are obliged to do whatever we can to prevent them from becoming lost in a hodge podge of pluralism alien to the Founding Father’s vision of America.

EAU would like to welcome you to the Western Culture Institute’s book store.

The Western Culture Institute is dedicated to the preservation and advancement of classical European values, so here you will find the best and most wholesome books for your kids. Stay tuned as more books are added in the coming months, and we thank you for your taking a look.

Western Culture Institute
