Oregonians: We Can Still Defeat S.B. 2!

By Rev. Ted Pike

As a result of an avalanche of protest against Oregon’s “homosexual rights” bill S.B. 2, the House vote on this bill has been delayed until next Tuesday, April 17.

This gives many more concerned Oregonians an opportunity to protest to the House member from your district. Call Salem at 1-800-332-2313 and leave this message with your representative:

“Please do not vote for S.B. 2. It is I, not homosexuals, who have the right to determine who occupies my business, my real estate, and my church organization.”

Restore America (www.stopthebilloregon.com) is doing an outstanding job of organizing resistance to S.B. 2 in Oregon. Also, visit www.truthtellers.org and read my article, http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=291, for a broader perspective on the this threat.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian /conservative watchdog organization.

For a quick education in who is behind S.B. 2 and other “bias crimes” legislation in U.S. states, watch Rev. Ted Pike’s http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7217700265038533779&q=Ted+Pike at video.google.com.

TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this subject!
Call 503-631-3808.
