Mutilation Activist Attacked

Somalian Kadra, who became famous in Norway for exposing imam support of female circumcision, was beaten unconscious on Thursday.

Kadra was attacked and beaten senseless by seven or eight persons of Somali origin, newspaper VG reports.

“I was terrified. While I lay on the pavement they kicked me and screamed that I had trampled on the Koran. Several shouted Allah-o-akbar (God is great) and also recited from the Koran,” Kadra told VG.

Kadra linked the attack to recent remarks in VG where she said that the Koran’s views on women needed to be reinterpreted.

Kadra said that the gang of Somali men attacked her around 3 a.m. in downtown Oslo on Thursday. A medical examination found that she had several broken ribs, NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting) reports. Kadra filed charges and was due to speak with police on Friday.The Islamic Council Norway (IRN) condemned the attack on Kadra and urged that she pursue the matter with police.

While this individual should be in her homeland, the case highlights the fact that far from “white males” being oppressive of women, the Third World is a hellhole for females, who suffer from the “cultural pratcices” politically correct people celebrate from a distance. Also significant is the fact that Islamists are so emboldened by Western wimpiness that they would are to carry out such an assault.
