Race Riots in Italian Chinatown

Milan police in Chinatown clash
By David Willey
BBC News, Rome

Italian riot police have broken up a violent protest in Milan’s Chinatown by scores of Chinese immigrants.

About 10 police officers were injured and a similar number of Chinese people received hospital treatment.

The trouble began when a Chinese woman was fined for illegally transporting goods in a private vehicle.

More than 100 Chinese shopkeepers and members of their families, many waving the national flag, massed in the street claiming racial discrimination.Baton charge

During the unrest, which lasted until nightfall, a car was overturned and the police carried out a baton charge. The woman was arrested and later admitted to hospital.

The Chinese immigrant community in Italy has grown very rapidly during the past 10 years.

Normally, they keep a very low profile and cause little trouble to the authorities.

According to official statistics, there are about 114,000 Chinese currently living in Italy, but the true figure is probably double this number because of widespread illegal immigration.

