UK: Hot and Cross Over Buns

Confusion reigns over the strange case of Poole Hospital’s hot cross buns!

British National Party Dorset correspondent reports.  

According to the local media the hospital refused to lay on hot cross buns to patients and staff on Good Friday for fear the Christian associations of the buns would offend none Christians, such as Muslims. However, in a twist to the tale, the hospital now maintains that it was merely “an oversight” by their catering manager and was not intended as a sleight to Christianity. Indeed the hospital now claims that hot cross buns were served on Sunday instead – which “misses the Christian point somewhat” comments our correspondent!

Whatever the truth of the matter the fact remains that across Britain, particularly in our schools, Christian symbolism and tradition is being trampled upon in the misguided pursuit of something called “inclusiveness!” So whereas we are expected to sacrifice our culture and traditions so as to appease the sensibilities of new-comers, the politically correct dogma of the Establishment has it that they should not have to adapt theirs to suit us! Very much a case of the tail wagging the dog in our opinion!Which is also why, of course, halal slaughtered meat is served up to our kids – even in schools where those requiring it for religious reasons are but a tiny minority! This sort of pandering to minority interest groups is, of course, entirely unacceptable, undemocratic and offensive.

Our view is unambiguous. This happens to be Britain and it is the culture and traditions of the people of this country, the British, that must rightfully remain paramount.
