
Real patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.”: George Washington (1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, ‘Father of the Country’ -Source: Farewell Address, September 17, 1796, Ref: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (521)

By Frank Roman

audio version

ON THESE broadcasts, our main objective will always be to address the perceptive European American folks who have discovered that there really is an effective, truthful alternative to the mass media’s corporate offerings and its’ multi-ethnic, anti-American point of view. Of that you have our word. And, truth be told, we hope you’ll consider our organization EAU as worthy of your time and resources. Today, however, I want to go in a different direction. I want to directly address the other part of my audience; the ones who have cast their malevolent Sauron-like Great Eye in our direction, the men and women of European Americans United.

You know who you are. Those who know we’re onto them, and who “monitor” what awakened European American people are doing so they can find a way to shut us up or intimidate us before the truth spreads too far. Those who compile ‘intelligence’ on perfectly legal tax paying, hard working racially conscious Americans — who would rather not join the majority of their deceived kinsmen and simply be entertained — and go running like defective children to a branch of law enforcement to breathlessly reveal their latest revelation that a battalion of camo clad militia types are marching in formation to a local day care center, or some other similar farce.

I’m talking about the real haters: the nation-wrecking Jewish supremacists who were spawned in the sixties residing now at the top of the bureaucratic heap, and those who serve them — the rent-a-mob “anti-racist” street gangs who throw urine bombs and use slingshots against peaceful free-speech protesters — the media manipulators and their vapid talking heads — the step-and-fetch-it legislators and corrupt lawmen — the corporate news casters and television personalities who say ‘we report, you decide.’ Yes, you know who you are, and I have two very clear messages for you today.

The first part of my message is this: European Americans and their counterparts around the world are waking up. Hundreds of thousands of us are beginning to understand that you, the puppeteers of multiracialism have never been interested in “justice” or “equality” as you claim to. We’ve finally figured out that your goal all along is to marginalize our people overall; perhaps thoroughly wipe us out, giving us no other alternative but to merge with — and eventually disappear into — the great brown swamp of Third World biomass. No smokescreen legislation, intimidation, or sugar-coated propaganda can disguise your sick and hate distended faces. Certainly European Americans United understands that not everyone is in a position to confront your messianic social or political distortions. After all, people like politicians, university professors, and law enforcement personnel have careers to worry about and can’t reveal the obvious truth. They know how with no trouble they can be brought to their knees with your insidious influence over the mass media.

I know you are convinced that America’s founding people’s doom is a foregone conclusion. I know you would like to destroy European Americans of good will who actually have the “audacity” to organize on our own behalf without your consent. This, in spite of the fact, that millions upon millions of non-whites are given your hypocritical blessings to do just that.

I know that you’re working to keep the borders open to replace us with millions of pliant Third World mulattos who are chasing after the trinkets and baubles of the ‘American Dream,’ something wholly unrecognizable these days. I know you’re consumed with sniffing out ‘hate’ and attempting to legislate ‘anti-hate’ laws aimed directly at European Americans who are sick unto death of your culture killing antics and want to do something positive for themselves.

And then you have the utter audacity to tell our people that it is “racist” or “evil” to believe one culture can be superior to another; even though objective anthropologists and scientists have come to the same conclusion for hundreds of years you do know better. But I’ve got to hand it to you: the fact that you’re able to keep so many of our people disconnected from the reality that “white supremacy” just may have some merit to it since millions of Third World banditos practically kill themselves to live among the evil gringos is a truly breathless thing to behold. But I digress: your “equality” lie is so tattered, unbelievable and full of hate that it simply can’t be maintained much longer. And you know it, don’t you?

We know that you and your sycophants helped urge the Republican and Democratic Party leadership to learn quickly that the votes of the uninformed immigrants would keep them in power. We know you and your idolizers these past sixty plus years nudged along government policy that was not for the welfare of tax paying European Americans, but for the politicians in Washington — and ultimately for yourselves. We know since traitorous leaders opened the floodgate into the United States it has been overflowed by the illegal compost element of the world for the benefit of a few. We know you have thrived by transforming this Constitutional Republic into a Socialist Welfare State, which the Neocons and liberals call a Democracy, is rapidly falling under the influence and direction of the multicultural globalists. I mean really, what else could it be other than undiluted hate that ensures our southern borders remain vulnerable to the Third World; hate which produces the mass media that targets gullible young folks to emulate ghetto ghouls; hate which subverts the Constitution and the Bill of Rights’ original intent; hate which makes excuses that allow our heavy manufacturing base to move overseas and imperil our senior citizens retirement; hate that forbids even the most benign European American advocacy groups from forming while their non-white counterparts flourish with tax dollars and corporate donations.

If it were up to me I’d find a way to permanently change the word ‘hate’ into a positive acronym and write it across the sky: Honoring American Traditions Everyday. Maybe that’ll catch on.

Nevertheless, what our Western people have accomplished in its allotted time on Earth is so immeasurably advanced to the accomplishments of the Third World and even to the relatively higher cultures of the East, that they can hardly be mentioned in the same breath. This may explain why they view their own societies as undesirable and try to leave. Only the most impertinent liar or public school dullard could fail to note the inequality that separates dung huts from climate-controlled skyscrapers, witch doctors from research hospitals, and the “reading” of bones compared to watching televised images from Mars. Only the most vindictive tyrant would try to convince our people through mental black mail and a latent sense of ‘White guilt’ – whatever that’s supposed to be — that Fitty Cent and Snoop Dog really are socially constructive modifiers for our young folks; while Christopher Columbus and Leif Ericson are simply too European to be considered anything worthwhile.

With impudence, self-righteousness, and a claim by some of you to be chosen by God, you spare no effort to push your hateful “equality” madness. But that’s okay. We know you can’t help it. We tend to believe it’s a genetic trait as you have so clearly demonstrated for a very long time. So please, make your “equality” claims — and your demands for the persecution of truth-tellers — more laughable more strident and more excessive than ever. By doing so, you will help more and more of our most thoughtful, resourceful, and productive persons to understand that having our media controlled almost exclusively by aliens — and having a society based on multiracialism — are leading us continually forward to overall disaster. Trust me your tactical anti White propaganda is doomed to failure.

For the creation of our grand nation, our ancestors relinquished their tribal differences and intermarried: English and French, Irish and Italian, Swedish or German, Polish, Dutch all merged over the generations to produce the European American, an entity which has become the envy of the world. Unfortunately, you consider us to be your deadliest enemy. Admittedly, our activist people around the world including the United States, Europe, Australia and Canada have been in a state of dejection for quite some time now; your monolithic efforts have indeed paid off. But you already know the awakening is ongoing as more and more of us now understand what you — the crooked lawmakers, corrupt cops, and “minority” advocacy groups — are doing to us. We reject your religion of political correctness. We reject your charges of hate, we reject your lies. We are regaining our dynamism. Soon many of our people will help segue’ our nation into a place fit for real Men of the West. European Americans United has that very goal in mind.

And by the way, the second part of my message to you is this: There is nothing you can do to stop us.
