European Americans United: Stream of Ethnic Consciousness

“Today the world is the victim of propaganda because people are not intellectually competent. More than anything the United States needs effective citizens competent to do their own thinking.” — William Mather Lewis – President ,George Washington University 1923 -1927

European American activists who appreciate their people and their nation are moving forward with an invitation for you to join them.

audio version

by Frank Roman

FOR A LONG WHILE now aware European Americans have seen a sharp change in the direction of the consciousness of our people. As noted on this Western Voices World News site I recently laid out the dynamism taking root in the hearts and minds of European Americans and White people around the world. It seems there’s a long overdue awakening, a new awareness taking place in spite of the vindictive multicultural brainwashing that’s taken place these past sixty years. Where once there was a crippling degree of complacency about “multiculturalism,” and a latent sense of “White guilt,” thanks to reckless legal and illegal Third World immigration growing numbers of our people are waking up. Many White Americans are sensing a threat. Certainly many people understand on a most fundamental level that something is wrong with their country but they can’t quite seem to overcome the fog of deception slithering into their minds from their television sets every night. They can see the shifting demographic, cultural and political sea changes taking place right before their eyes. They can sense that somehow things are just not good in the long term but don’t know what to do about it; though many of our people can’t bear to openly say so, they still want to do something positive.

Many pro-European-American activists have worked hard to awaken our people and to present them with the facts, yet it has proven to be the world itself which is opening the eyes of a growing number of “ordinary” people. Often, what is presented as “White nationalism” in the United States has simply not connected with our target population, for a number of reasons. A dedicated group of activists saw an opportunity to build on growing awareness and move forward by not allowing the fervent zealots of multiculturalism to go unanswered as they continue flinging themselves into their anti-white crusade with revolting fanaticism.

Significant lessons were learned and considerable energy has been put into the formation of European Americans United. Ordinary European-Americans just like you are looking for a serious, committed activist organization that doesn’t trade in irrelevancies or the kind of backward thinking, language and approach that has enabled our enemies to marginalize our voice. Well intentioned and well presented though they might be it is clear past approaches have failed to attain any measurable beneficial difference on behalf of European-Americans. Certainly some organizations came close. But it is time to move away from old formulas and put in their place a structure capable of real world positive change on behalf of concerned European-Americans. “Mainstream” politicians are seeing this sea-change and have sought to co-opt it: that’s why talk about a border fence and local initiatives dealing with illegal immigration are even tolerated today, when they would have been denounced as “racist” only a decade ago. But of course these politicians will only go so far since they’re working inside parameters which have been established to prevent any real opportunity for positive change. That’s because “mainstream” politicians don’t have our interests at heart. But European Americans United does. For one thing, we understand that NO organization that does not draw in average working- and middle-class White Americans or attempt to at least engage them with real world solutions will ever work. Demonized imagery, misogyny and anarchic fringe ravings must be isolated and disposed of. The days of corporate-financed, government funded non-white pressure groups having a monopoly on the social and political scene are over.

EAU is members-based. We have rejected the concept of a great leader looming over all while issuing edicts and creating an endless backlog of unanswered communiqués, fostering a sense of detachment in its members. No organization whether it be corporate, military or faith-based can long function without two way communication; a responsive team of like-minded administrators who appreciate the individual initiative and bravery of those members. After all, our enemies know how to wreak economic and social damage on individual activists. And this horrible state of affairs is exacerbated when the ‘leadership’ remains mute without a formidable response on behalf of those activists who ultimately feel abandoned for all their hard work. Those days are now effectively over.

In the last few months EAU’s activists have analyzed how our political and racial enemies get what they want. In the simplest terms when they see the glass as half full and they don’t get all they want, they build on what they do get just as if they won the whole ball of wax. They attempt to influence the larger culture in language people understand. They know what they are doing and chart a course; they supplant common sense and aim to be the mainstream instead of crying from the wilderness. But, you may wonder, for a pro-European American group to do that wouldn’t it have to “sell out?” No, it wouldn’t. Do our enemies thrive because they are wealthy and get help from their boosters in the mass media augmented by major corporate donations and federal funding? No. Has the United States become the racial and cultural mess it has become due to their effective programs? No. Do these Marxist based organizations have the ear of our elected leaders because of what they offer? No. Specifically, are the borders of our nation swinging open like an old screen door at midnight because these groups are so persuasive? Has the acceptance of our racial death through miscegenation and low birth rates slipped off the radar screen because groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center are an efficient fighting machine? The answer to both of these questions is no. Alright then, why has this dreadful state of affairs become so pernicious? Simple. We, and by that I mean most “pro-White groups” in the continental United States have well established the fact that “we” are defintely our greatest enemy. Not all but certainly most. Without “us” not doing anything meaningful and/or accessible to the average White American these enemies have thrived by smugly taking full advantage of our collective ineptitude. “We” now need to smarten up and form a political group that fights in today’s terms, with decisive action and a commitment that parallels and exceeds those same qualities of our enemies. And might I also say the facts are in, ladies and gentlemen: It’s not ‘the Jew’ that bears wholesale responsibility for the ruination of our people. It’s not ‘the blacks’ that are keeping us from attaining cultural integrity. Nor is it ‘the neocons’ or ‘the liberals’ or ‘the gays’ or anyone else whom we can blame without assuming our share of responsibility. It’s US who are our own worst enemies. By way of incessant infighting, backstabbing, and personal ambition the broader goal of our racial obligations is lost. The clutter and chaos of keyboard commandos on the internet – you know who you are — and the mewling self righteousness of grandiose individuals who claim they have all the answers — but don’t know what they’re talking about — has failed to rise above the multicultural din of the world. Coupled with endless consumer distractions; and socially acceptable peer pressure being at the forefront of the general public‘s mind, our condition as a “movement” has been a disaster for us.

You see friends EAU knows there are folks out there who have the brains, resources, initiative and valor to make the changes needed on behalf of our people. As I said earlier, no organization whether it be corporate, military or faith-based can long function without two way communication; a responsive team of like-minded administrators who appreciates the individual initiative and bravery of those members. They just need an effective platform from which to operate; one that offers backup; one that encourages; one that offers an open door policy to discuss what they wish to do; one that helps channel their efforts into the hearts and minds of their fellow European Americans without the bombastic ravings of subterranean thinkers; one that has a specific set of guidelines that are flexible enough to work with while disallowing the nutcases and moles to gain a foothold; one that is oriented toward engagement in the real world. We are a community of activism, initiating conferences, protests, legal action and information services. That is European Americans United.

Past efforts being what they were, it’s now time to move forward by attracting the kinds of individuals who have the collective social power to positively influence our people and our nation.

European Americans United organization website
