The AIPAC Conference: A Hotbed of Treason

‘Make no mistake; AIPAC is a lobby for a foreign country, for the interests of a foreign country.’

By David Duke (pictured)

‘Treason as a concept is defunct in the West. To succeed in war, governments need take this change into account.’ Daniel Pipes,  a leading Jewish extremist Neocon in the United States.

Daniel Pipes is right. Treason is a defunct concept in the United States and the West, because treason to Zionism is so widespread and common, it is not called treason anymore.

It reminds me of the quotation, ‘When treason prospers, none dare call it treason.’

Recently, AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) had its annual confab in Washington, D.C. The Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reported that it drew the leaders of both parties, Democrat and Republican to genuflect at the altar of Israel.

No other lobby on Capitol Hill is as powerful as AIPAC; no other lobby could come close to its bipartisan power. Here is quote from the JTA article:‘The March 12 gala dinner drew half the U.S. Senate and more than half the House. It featured addresses by Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), the Senate majority leader, and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), its minority leader.

The next morning, Pelosi (speaker of the House) and Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), the House minority leader, headlined the traditional Tuesday-morning sendoff to the Capitol for a day of lobbying.’

Make no mistake; AIPAC is a lobby for a foreign country, for the interests of a foreign country. The JTA pointed out that the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, spoke by satellite to the conference and that his main point was that to quote JTA, ‘The equation promoted by those who support continuing the war is simple: Israel’s security requires a continued U.S. presence in Iraq, and questioning President Bush’s policy is tantamount to undermining Israel and the United States.’

Now, I hope you get this, it is admitted that the most powerful lobby in the United States a lobby in effect for a foreign country, wants American boys to continue to be maimed and killed by the tens of thousands in Iraq, and keep on spending countless billions of dollars of hard-pressed American taxpayers. And of course, it is all for Israel. There is no denying the overwhelming role that Zionist extremists in government and media had in lying to America and getting us in this catastrophic war to begin with. Is anyone so clueless not to know that the war has not stemmed the tide of terrorism, if anything it has fueled it. This evil war for Israel has created countless millions who want to harm Americans. But all that does not matter, the most powerful lobby in Washington will tip the scales to allow this war to continue.

Even more ominous, the Israeli Lobby now is calling for an even more catastrophic war against the nation of Iran, a devastating war that would make the Iraq war look like a cakewalk in comparison. The Jewish extremist chief architects of the Iraq War, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, who by the way told us of the cakewalk in Iraq, are already telling us how necessary and doable this war is.

Another recent JTA article of Wednesday, March 14 titled ‘AIPAC backed removal of Iran war provision,’ boasts that the Jewish lobby has stopped a bill that would require the President of the United States to follow the Constitution of the United States and seek approval of Congress for any war against Iran! Here is the quote:

So, here is the most powerful lobby in Washington able to control the Congress of the United States to the extent that it keeps them from enforcing the Constitution of the United States, the document that each member of Congress is sworn to uphold.

The most powerful men and women in politics and the government of the United States were at the AIPAC conference, most of them have taken a goodly share of the millions upon millions of dollars of bribe money from this agency of a foreign power. Of course, Israel gets one hell of a good deal from the hundreds of millions in bribes, it gets in return billions, yes billions of dollars in foreign aid to Israel that amounts to thousands of dollars per capita for every Jew in Israel, all while there are millions of working Americans and small business people who can’t even afford health insurance. In addition, the first trillion dollars of cost for the war in Iraq will be reached next year, with more trillions more to come, all thanks to the Jewish extremist control of our government and media.

At the very moment these corrupted American lawmakers bow before AIPAC, two of the executives of AIPAC are under indictment for espionage against the United States of America. They are Steve Rosen, who for 20 years was the chief lobbyist and Keith Weissman, AIPAC’s top foreign policy analyst. Imagine if any other country had a lobby whose officers were indicted for espionage against the United States. Do you think any lawmaker would dare to take a penny of their money? Do you think they would go to applaud their speakers at a VIP banquet? Would not the media be screaming in denunciation of any public official who consorted with and took great sums of money from these spies?

Even more importantly, Americans must remember the foreign entity that AIPAC represents. It is the only foreign government that has committed repeated acts of terrorism and treachery against the United States. Yes, I said terrorism. In the Lavon Affair, Israeli Mossad terrorists actually blew up American installations in Egypt in a false flag operation meant to cause grievous American casualties so as to make the U.S. start a war against Egypt. In addition to the American deaths and injury that would have occurred if the terrorists would not have been caught in time, the unjust war would have certainly cost thousands of American lives and billions of dollars. Caught red-handed, Israeli government had to admit that it had sent these terrorists. But, the average American has never heard of the Lavon Affair, which is named after the Israeli Secretary, Pinhas Lavon who had to resign because the Israelis got caught in this treachery.

In the attack on the USS Liberty, Israel attacked an American ship in international waters off the coast of Israel, killing 34 and terribly wounding 171. The Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, and the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Thomas Moorer, both have said repeatedly that the attack was a deliberate act of murder and mayhem against the United States.

Must I go on? This same AIPAC organization supports Jonathan Pollard, the Israeli spy that even our Jewish Secretary of Defense, Casper Weinberger, said did immeasurable damage against the United States.

As I ask in my book, Jewish Supremacism, ‘Any Congressman who would have taken money from Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor would have been charged with treason.’ And truly, any congressman who takes money from any agent of a Mideast nation that has committed terrorism against the United States would be charged with treason, with the glaring exception of Israel. Remember that Iraq did nothing against America and we ostensibly attacked it to prevent possible future attacks. But somehow, Israel’s clear terrorism and treachery against the United States of America get a free pass and congressmen line up at the AIPAC trough for their 30 pieces of silver.

About 30,000 Americans have been maimed in Iraq, and we are on the way to 4,000 dead. Thousands have been hideously disfigured, blinded, emasculated, crippled, or suffered catastrophic brain damage. All these good and brave Americans have suffered along with their loved ones, for lies. Lies about ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ lies about ‘enriched uranium,’ lies about ‘connections with Al Qaeda,’ and the biggest lie of all, that it was in the vital interest of American security to attack and occupy Iraq.

In truth all these lies were created because the media and government could never have convinced the American people to undergo this catastrophic war for Israel’s paranoia. Jewish extremists in AIPAC, Jewish manipulators in the Republican and Democratic Parties, and Jewish extremists in the media, manufactured this war and have caused 30,000 of our young to be killed or maimed in a war that was never for America and was actually against every true interest of America.

AIPAC, the Zionists and their supporters, and those corrupt politicians who sold out our country and the lives of our young men and women in Iraq for Jewish campaign financing and the approval of Jewish extremist media bosses — are traitors to the United States of America.

There is no other way to put it, and that goes not just for men like Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, but those like Cheney and Rice and of course, that pathetic betrayer of everything American, from our own borders to our brave men and women in Iraq, George W. Bush.
