Bosnian Muslim Arrested in al-Qaeda Terror Camp Training

Blowback from Clinton-era patronage of Islamic terrorism in the Balkans continues

March 12, 2007 — Pakistani intelligence officers have arrested a Bosnian Muslim in the town of Ravalpindi where he was undergoing an al-Qaeda terror training, German weekly magazine Spiegel says.

Shielding his last name, Spiegel says that Nihad C. is a Bosnian Muslim who lived in Pforzheim, south-west Germany, where he was close Micheal N, a German convert to Islam also arrested in Pakistan for attending Islamic terror training camps.

Bosnian Foreign Ministry claims that it has no information about the arrest.

“We have no final information about this arrest. It is possible that Bosnian diplomatic and consular offices in Berlin or Islamabad received information over the weekend, but we cannot verify that now,” said Nebojsa Regoje, a spokesman for the Bosnian Muslim Foreign Ministry.
