Usual Suspects Attack Free Speech, Gloves are Off

HR. 254 would require every state to pass and enforce "anti-hate" laws

<p>By Tom DeWeese<br /> Commentary <br />March 09, 2007</p><p>A battle has been raging during the opening months of the 110th Congress over proposed Hate Crime legislation. The main bill currently before the House is H.R. 254, titled, &quot;The David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act,&quot; introduced by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX). </p><p>Opposition is growing to the legislation because hate crime laws would make certain types of speech a federal offense, allowing federal &quot;thought police&quot; to interfere in the law enforcement authority of states and local government. Such interference is blatantly unconstitutional. </p><p>HR. 254 would require every state to pass and enforce &quot;anti-hate&quot; laws, making it a federal crime to express bias against specifically federally protected groups. Some hate laws have been interpreted to mean documents like the Bible are hate literature and preaching from it is hate speech.</p>
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