United English Patriots (UEP) on multiculturalism

Definition:- The doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can co-exist peacefully and equitably in a single country.

So, Multiculturalism is basically the coming together of many cultures/backgrounds/religions and placing them under the roof of a single nation. The idea behind it is simply for all these cultures to feed from each other, to learn, to respect, to come together as one happy community and nation. This however is the idea of the left-wing bigots that want to destroy England as a country and as a nation. The multicultural engine has already long been running in England.

So then, the question here is does this work in reality? The simple answer to that, is obviously no. Why? For many many years white, asian, black, oriental etc race groups have in general lived in separate communities or nations. Over these years, we have all developed an individual way of living or culture. We all live differently, eat differently, think differently, and are therefore totally unique to each other.

Now this is where the problem starts, if we look at the big picture and take religion, and general ways of life into account we will see serious differences, causing the main problem. We are loyal to our country, to our past and our way of life and living. When this is threatened, changed or simply disrespected, anger rises causing racial tensions.

