Immigration Threatens Existence of Irish

The problem isn’t racism, it’s the tidal wave of immigrants

All right, you know about the Government’s latest move to outlaw beggars? Do you really think it’s really about beggars? It isn’t. It’s about immigrant-beggars, who now throng our streets.

We could, of course, deal with the substantive matter, that of immigration itself, but instead we prefer to deal with its symptoms — and in the usual cowardly way in which we address anything which is a little difficult or embarrassing.

Now look: I’m not a complete fool. People don’t turn columnists to read the same stuff, day after day after day. Yet that’s what I’ve been doing, endlessly writing on this same subject.

No doubt by this time, the one reader left is some old wino sitting in a doorway in his own personal pool of warmth, scanning these few column inches in the belief that these are the greyhound results. No matter. Here I go again.

Immigration is now not merely the dominant feature of Irish life, it is the greatest threat to the existence of the Irish nation as a coherent, and cohesive whole. No country has ever accepted, never mind assimilated, the volumes of foreigners now present in this state. We have some 400,000 legal immigrants; but everyone knows that the army of illegals, especially Africans and Chinese, is vast, and probably tops 200,000. In all, Ireland has received at least 600,000 immigrants, most of them within the past five years. It could be many more. No one has the least idea.

In the US, such immigration would translate into an inward population movement of 45 million. In the UK, the figure would be nine million. Needless to say, neither state would be so idiotic or feckless as allow such vast numbers to enter.
