EU Wants Britain’s Seat at the UN

By John Bean

As each day passes it becomes clear that Gordon Brown has fully accepted the 50 point plus sell-out of British Interests in our membership of the EU enacted by Blair at his final appearance at the June Brussels summit. Not only has he made it clear that he is not supporting the referendum that Blair, therefore the Labour Party, promised us, but at the time of writing he has not denied the story coming from Brussels that the EU wants Britain to give up its seat in its present form at the United Nations to be the voice of the EU, and no longer speak just for Britain.

David Miliband, Brown’s new Foreign Secretary, either intentionally or un intentionally, let the cat out of the bag when he stated in the Commons that the new EU treaty involved a larger transfer of power from member states to Brussels than the Mastricht Treaty which set the EU on course towards the single European currency.

The Lib-Dems are, of course, fully supportive of the UK’s submergence within a single European state. The Tories, true to form, are rather ambiguous in that lip service is given to calling for the referendum that was promised, while the Cameroon is letting it be known that his anti-EU MPs will no longer be allowed to speak out in the party name.Apart from the BNP and the diminished voice of UKIP, the opposition is now coming from all the main Unions who are saying that we must put the EU treaty to the vote. Paul Kenny, GMB general secretary, said the Labour Party’s promise to hold a vote should not be abandoned. He also claimed that because British workers would not be covered by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the treaty would do more for big business than working people. He added: “A reform treaty on the constitution without the Charter of Fundamental Rights is for a business Europe and the GMB did not sign up for this.”

Meanwhile, Brown seems to be saying nothing in particular during his contacts so far with EU spokesmen. It shows that he is either out of his depth in the EU summitry game, or he never really was the protector of our national sovereignty that he pretended he was in earlier days.
