State Laws Dent Illegal Alien Numbers

Now Arizona law chases illegals out

A new Arizona state law to require employers to verify the immigration status of employees is being blamed – and credited – for chasing illegal aliens out of the state.

It’s the second such development in just the last week: WND reported earlier how a new Oklahoma law requiring the deportation of arrested illegal aliens was prompting an exodus from that state.

The developments are the result of state actions already launched when a brokered plan in the U.S. Senate to create a path to legal residency for the millions of illegal aliens in the country collapsed.

The new report comes from the Arizona Republic, which said the state’s strong economy has been a magnet for illegal aliens for years, but the law is looming on Jan. 1.

“I would say we are losing at least 100 people a day,” Elias Bermudez, founder of Immigrants Without Borders and host of a daily talk-radio program aimed at undocumented immigrants, told the newspaper.
