YouTube Caught Red-Handed Cooking Stats For Obama

The obvious conclusion is that YouTube’s commissars received complaints.

News aggregator is currently linking to a YouTube videoof a government schoolteacher instructing young students to praiseObama in song. While this is shocking, there is an even bigger storyhere. Consider this: the video’s “views” counter listed only 363 viewsas of 1:04 p.m. EST on Sept. 24.

But at the same time it had 2,279 comments.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Obviously, those figures should in the least be reversed. After all,since the number of comments on high-traffic YouTube videos generallyrepresents only one-half of one percent to three percent of the totalviews, we can estimate that the Obama worship video had in excess of200,000 hits at the time. But what accounts for this? Is it a technicalglitch? I doubt it.

But why would YouTube cook the statistical books?
Because the exposure a video receives is based on its number of views.And YouTube — owned by leftist leviathan Google — wants to suppressnegative information about Barack Obama and the left in general.

In other words, if a video receives tremendous traffic, it appears on YouTube’s “Popular” videos pagepage.This means it will get infinitely more exposure — it will be seen notjust by the people who have driven it onto the front page but alsothose who wouldn’t normally know about it. But YouTube likely doesn’twant you to know about the Obama worship video. So, perhaps, like asleazy car dealer dialing down an odometer, they dial down the hitcounter to a point where the video languishes in the recesses of thesite.

