What You Can and Should be Doing

by Brian Markley

The problem is not that there are not enough of us; the problem is that we are not well connected.

In the conclusion to my article, “We All Have a Responsibility to Contribute,” I promised I would write a follow-up article discussing specifically what we, as individuals, can and should be doing to help our people, and I’m keeping my promise.

The biggest problem facing nationalists and identitarians on a personal level is isolation. Think about it. How many people do you know personally who share your concerns about the problems facing our people and your convictions about how to adequately address those problems (and by personally, that excludes anyone you have been communicating with anonymously online or anyone you follow on YouTube). Of those you know who do share your concerns and convictions, how many of them are willing to speak up, get involved in public activism, or do the hard work necessary to help our cause?

Now, I do not want anyone reading this to misunderstand where I am going with this point. One of the points that anti-White advocates (both liberals and cuck-servatives) often emphasize is how small the pro-White movement is (or at least appears to be). While it is true that the number of those who are actively involved in pro-White advocacy is small, the number of those who know the righteousness of our cause and silently agree with us is much larger, and that should be a consolation.

The problem is not that there are not enough of us; the problem is that we are not well connected. Suppose there is someone at your company that shares your views. In all likelihood, if you have been behaving wisely, he or she would have no way of knowing that you are a nationalist or an identitarian. Such a person, not wishing to make you suspicious, not wishing to socially alienate you, not wishing to risk his career, will put on the same politically correct facade as you have put on. If there are, say, ten people in your workplace who share the same views, but each of them wears the same disguise, the result will be that each one thinks he or she is the only sane, racially conscious person in the building! It all goes back to the problem of isolation. So how do we break the ice? Here are some ideas.
1. Join European Americans United. One thing in particular that really stands out about EAU is that we have high ethical standards (read our statement of ethics) and that our organization emphasizes working behind the scenes to do things that really help our people and advance our cause by building the infrastructure for the society we wish to create for ourselves and our descendants (check out the article “Did You Know?” by John Young). If you are afraid of getting doxed and would be hesitant to attend rallies, protests, demonstrations, or any activities that could generate publicity that would back fire on you, EAU is the best option. Every member signs a legal contract promising not to reveal the identity of any member to any non-member, and the membership roster is kept on a computer without internet access, to avoid any risk of a leak). I am making it my personal mission to help grow the organization so that, in time, we can start building communities and social networks.

2. Join other pro-White organizations. EAU is one of the few, if not the only, pro-White organization that does not restrict membership in other organizations, so long as our ethics are maintained.

a. This includes explicitly pro-White organizations, to be sure. However, I would issue a general caution about any organization that turns into a personality cult or are more interested in doing publicity stunts than actually doing the hard work to help our people. Much of the work we do at EAU is not sexy, not romantic, and not exciting. For the most part, it is mostly hard, dry, behind-the-scenes work. This kind of stuff doesn’t deliver that rush of dopamine and adrenaline, but in the long term, it delivers the satisfaction of knowing that we are building a better society for ourselves and our offspring.

b. Join implicitly pro-White organizations and social clubs. This could include Republicans (except for never-Trumpers), supporters of the second amendment, advocates for restricting immigration, traditional religious congregations, etc. Just because an organization does not revolve around the issue of race does not mean it isn’t doing any good for our people. As a side note, in the course of fraternizing with implicitly pro-White people, sooner or later you will rub elbows with someone who is explicitly pro-White (and then please refer him or her to EAU).

As someone who has been explicitly racially conscious since 2004, I can also share some advice about what NOT to do.

1. Do not make the mistake of assuming that everyone, if only they understood the situation, would automatically see the righteousness of our cause and lend us their support. Many are hostile to us. Many, though generally aware of what is happening, do not care either because they do not feel it affects them personally, or because they do not care what happens to society after they die (this is the case with many of western Europe’s childless elites).

2. Avoid debating with those who are hostile to our cause (liberals, globalists, etc). They are probably not going to change their minds. Also, knowing where you stand will give them ammunition against you! If you know someone is going to be hostile to you, it is foolish to take off your political “invisibility cloak.”

3. Avoid arguing too much with mainstream conservatives. Many of these people do not see things our way, but still advocate for policies that are generally helpful to us (freedom of speech, restricting immigration, lowering taxes, opposing “affirmative action,” etc.)

4. Avoid rivalries. Perhaps there are people who share your concerns and your convictions, but you disagree with their tactics. Perhaps you had a clash or a personality conflict with a fellow nationalist / identitarian (for most of you, this has probably never happened, but if you are in the movement long enough, soon or later, it will happen). If you find yourself in this situation, and cannot continue in that organization because you disagree with their tactics, that is fine. However, do NOT publicly badmouth the organization or its members. Do not undermine the larger cause with bickering and in-fighting.

5. Avoid spending too much time on social media. Aside from the fact that big tech can track you even if you use a pseudonym, there is also the risk of wasting your time. I know it feels good to spend time in the online echo chamber and see so many people who agree with you, but that really is not the same thing as forming a real community. While it is appropriate to share information and gain some psychological reinforcement in cyberspace, this needs to be a means to end. We need to be focused on reaching out to real people and bringing them on board. In my opinion, we should focus our energies mainly on a) other racially-conscious European Americans who are not currently affiliated with an organization and b) those who are on the fence and need a nudge in the right direction.

Meanwhile, we need to be improving our personal lives, our careers, our health, and our relationships. Live a life that is worthy of the cause. Avoid doing anything in your personal life that would reflect badly on EAU or on the broader pro-White movement. Avoid patronizing businesses and corporations that are actively working against us (I am working on a corporate responsibility project for EAU, where I will come up with a list of whom to boycott and why).

Use whatever talents you have: writing, editing, organizing, music and video production, out-reach, programming, etc. to promote EAU, WVWNews, and the broader movement. The statement “we all have a responsibility to contribute” includes you – you who are reading this article. Do not waste another moment.
