Dear White People: Stop Apologizing

“White people of the world, stop apologizing. You have nothing to lose if you don’t and everything to lose if you do.”

All across America, white people are apologizing to black people for things they didn’t do and historical situations they had no hand in creating. While it obviously makes these self-flagellating Caucasoids feel good about themselves, will it make even the tiniest difference in the lives of ordinary black Americans?

In Chicago—where blacks and Hispanics comprise 96% of murderers and a similar quotient of murder victims—a phenotypically white and extremely mannish-looking woman named Laurella Willis has been walking all over the Windy City’s notoriously murderous South Side toting a poster that says BLACK AMERICA I’M SORRY!! She reportedly traverses those mean streets for 20 miles a day, apologizing her ample ass off to anyone who’ll listen. One black resident told a reporter, “It’s very touching. Especially someone who’s not colored.”

Although Willis apparently has no trouble with multiple news sources describing her as “white,” on her Facebook page she appears to have fallen under the impression that she’s black:

“WE”, meaning the black race won’t come together to support each other so HOW we gonna have change anywhere else? THAT is trick of the enemy! The devil DOES NOT want u to REALLY unite & STAY united!! Long as Black on black crime continues THE DEVIL has won bcuz your focus has been shifted from the TRUE issue! EQUALITY!!!

So…you want to become equal with the “devil”? I’m not sure I understand the reasoning, if any, here. And what if the true issue isn’t equality, but rather innate and intractable inequalities engineered by the grand magnificent process of evolution? What do you do then? How many apologetic sandwich boards will it take to correct nature’s inexorable processes?

