‘Vote For Trump You Get Jumped’

As you probably know by now, on Friday night in Chicago (11 March ’16) an unwholesome assortment of questionable racial ethnics, full blown communists, pro White genocide advocates and countless other parasites that should not even be breathing — caused a Donald Trump rally to be cancelled due to realistic threats of violence against his supporters.

In all actuality this is GOOD NEWS. Now for the first time the enemy has exposed himself in one place to an armed angry White America with perfect clarity. And naturally the alien controlled media says its all Trumps fault, which is even better. Once again they too have exposed their insolent tone deaf manipulation of our people’s concerns.

White Americans as a whole are the object of all of the incendiary rhetoric and violence, yet we are supposed to be the ones who tolerate it. Moreover, Obama’s supporters set fire to Ferguson and Baltimore–and now this.

Whether or not you support Donald Trump for president is almost irrelevant. The issue here is that White Americans are as close to having national voice as ever before –imperfect as it is — and our eternal enemies hate us for it.

The full frontal characterization of the anti-White Cultural Marxists is now in plain sight. Use this information carefully.

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