United Kingdom: If Milliband Wins, Muslims Will Be Given Free Reign

Child sex grooming, violence, fraud, anti-White / anti-Christian bias–ALL and more will be permitted. But don’t complain or you will be arrested. No, this is not a joke. It is the logical outcome barely hidden between the words of Ed Milliband’s election platform. But–to the good people of the United Kingdom, it doesn’t have to be this way.(Of course, no one is saying David Cameron will be any better. Vote UKIP)

The price that Ed Miliband is prepared to pay to win the Muslim vote

The Labour leader’s pledge to redefine Islamophobia as an aggravated crime will be cheered by child sex-grooming gangs in Rotherham and election-stealers in Tower Hamlets

by Allison Pearson

’Tis the election season, so promises fall from the lips of our leaders over key voting groups like blossom from an apple tree. Some promises are more cynical and stinky than others.

Take Ed Miliband, who told Muslim News last week that a future Labour government would outlaw Islamophobia, making it an aggravated crime.

“We are going to make sure it is marked on people’s records, with the police to make sure they root out Islamophobia as a hate crime,” said Miliband. “We are going to change the law so we make it absolutely clear of [sic] our abhorrence of hate crime and Islamophobia. It will be the first time that the police will record Islamophobic attacks right across the country.”

This is deeply disturbing. Do you reckon the Labour leader has read any of the recent reports into child-sex grooming gangs? You know, the ones that concluded that the main reason local authorities, police and social services did nothing to protect thousands of young girls from abuse at the hands of mainly Pakistani men was because they were afraid of appearing racist?

One taxi driver actually laughed as he informed his victim that her complaints would be in vain because “they won’t dare touch us”. He was absolutely right.

Shamefully, fear of alienating “the community” has guided the behaviour of Labour councils in parts of the country that have become bywords for the rape, torture and trafficking of mainly vulnerable white girls.

Far from focusing on Islamophobia, Mr Miliband should be directing Labour apparatchiks, brainwashed about the joys of multiculturalism, to root out the hate crime of misogyny, still considered acceptable by so many in “the community”. A phobia is an irrational fear.

It’s perfectly rational to be outraged by the figures that follow: Rochdale 65, Rotherham 1,400, Newcastle 93, Manchester 650, Derby 27… and on and on, in pain and infamy.

These figures are the recorded instances of vile abuse against girls in Labour areas that rely on the Muslim vote. When tallied up, the tally stands at well in excess of 4,000 children.

As Denis McShane, former Labour MP for Rotherham, has admitted “misplaced racial sensitivity” – aka fear of being seen as “Islamophobic” – prevented him from burrowing into the widespread sexual abuse allegations and the oppression of women in the Muslim community. A group of “influential Pakistani councillors” in Rotherham were accused of blocking attempts to tackle the abuse and also of meddling in domestic abuse cases involving Asian woman.

