The Limp and Hanging Member of the System

by John YoungI do not seek “reform” but rather transformation — a transvaluation of values.The arrow of time only points in one direction. We cannot long for the good old days because the flaws of the good old days made way for the bad old present.Rather, we must take what is good, sound and strong from the good old days and re-implement it in a forward context while leaving behind the bad seeds and creating new ideas that match what is real rather than what is wished.Only radical thought can do this. Radical thought cloaked in deception, waiting for the moment of catastrophe to strike while the enemy is weak. Question the fundamental values that underlie the current state of things.In a hierarchy of values, lesser wrongs are permitted in order to prevent greater wrongs. Our genocide is on the agenda. Deceiving a more physically powerful enemy in order to avoid our genocide is not only permitted, it is JUST.The system is weakening. The gay marriage agenda is just one example. Gays could always marry in a religious sense with amenable clergy. All they have ever lacked is state endorsement in a realm where the state shouldn’t even be involved in the first place.But be that as it may — it is a non-issue. How many people are gay? Of those, how many wish to marry? The proportion is tiny.The fact that this has become a major “cause” shows just how impotent our system has become — how it has become so moribund it can’t address real problems and must address fake ones.Before gay marriage it was hate crimes. It was imagined that loads of white people were committing hate crimes against other ethnicities. But now the facts and statistics are in, and it is discovered that, on a per-capita basis, black men commit more hate crimes (with young, poor white males as the primary victims) than anyone else. It was a “solution” for a problem that didn’t exist.Whether it is hate crimes, gun control, gay marriage or anti-bullying — all of these crusades are to create “solutions” for problems that don’t exist and provide an illusion that the emperor is wise and potent.The emperor still clings to his own delusions, his belief that law can change nature. He reminds me of the story of the king who demonstrated his humanity by having his servants place his throne in a tidal zone and then ordering the tide not to get him wet.But the emperor has no clothes, and in his nakedness we see that even with Viagra he can’t get it up.
