Europeans and Free Will

by John Young

Observing polls, one thing that has always struck me is how a competent polling firm such as Zogby or Rasmussen can poll a very small sample and give results that predict the outcome of an entire voting population within 3%.

They do this by limiting their sample to people with a history of voting who plan to vote in the upcoming election, and then weighting the demographics of that sample to match the broad race/sex/age/marital status demography of voters. With this relatively simple technique, the results can be extrapolated with astonishing accuracy.

If you consider the fact that both major political parties, though spouting different rhetoric, hardly disagree at all on what they actually implement — and rarely implement anything that is in the long-term best interests of any demographic — the fact that polls of a few hundred or a few thousand people can be extrapolated so accurately brings one important fact to the fore and raises an important question. The important fact is this: demography IS destiny. It can be nothing else as it is such an accurate predictor of decisions.

But the question it raises also answers the question of why white countries in particular — and only white countries — have been targeted for multicultural destruction of their core demography. The question is this: which demographic group’s voting patterns exhibit independent thought such that they display Free Will?

Broadly, the answer is: people of European ancestry. Ergo, people of European ancestry pose the greatest barrier to enslaving themselves through the vote. Eliminate the Europeans or dilute their vote, and you can implement whatever you want in a democracy.
If you tell me that you are a black woman, I can tell you with 90% accuracy how you will vote. If you tell me that you’re Mestizo, I can do the same.

But when you look to third parties such as the Constitution Party or Libertarian Party and maverick candidates such as Ron Paul or Ross Perot, you’ll find that people of European ancestry are not just their strongest supporters, but far disproportionately so. I have attended Tea Party meetings and Ron Paul meetup groups, and the faces look like I imagine the faces of suburban America in 1955 must have looked.

Though you will occasionally find an outlier among Asians and Africans, it is only Europeans who create a sufficient proportion of persons of Free Will and independent thought who will vote for “none of the above” to actually make a difference in outcomes. Bill Clinton won the election in 1992 because so many of our Folk opted for Ross Perot. There weren’t enough to actually elect Ross Perot, but there were enough to make the outcome of the election unpredictable.

This phenomenon is also what has driven the unprecedented technological advances of European-derived peoples. Every advance in technology must first start with questioning the current understanding. Whether it was Darwin’s willingness to open up a hornet’s nest in The Origin of Species and the Descent of Man or Pasteur’s debunking the theory of spontaneous generation, all progress hinges on questioning the status quo. And for many reasons both biological and cultural, Europeans produce a higher proportion of questioners.

Questioners are a threat to established power and authority. People who will spit in the eye of the status quo and vote for “none of the above” or weather the disapproval of colleagues an those in authority are what have brought us from caves to space flight.

The preservation and advancement of our Folk are crucial to the future of freedom and progress.
