“What Will Come Of The Race War That Roils The Streets Of Baltimore?”

Conservative black economist Thomas Sowell has written of a “censored race war,” as Creators Syndicate’s headline on his column put it, that blacks are conducting against whites.

“There’s going to be race war in this country some day,” my father told me 30 years ago. “I won’t live to see it,” he said, “But you and your children will.”

Little did this Menckenite reactionary, whelped on the streets of Baltimore, whose father sent him to the neighborhood bar with a nickel to fetch home a bottle a beer, know how right he was.

Just this May, nine decades after my father’s birth, conservative black economist Thomas Sowell, having observed black flash mobs and the like, wrote of a “censored race war,” as Creators Syndicate’s headline on his column put it, that blacks are conducting against whites. Flash mobs. The knock-down game. Polar bear hunting. Walter Williams writes likewise: two columns of late flatly stated that blacks are attacking whites and getting away with it because blacks are held to a lower standard of behavior.
But the reality of the race war hit home with a particularly repellent video, courtesy of World Star Hip Hop, featuring a mob of blacks brutalizing and humiliating a tourist, white of course, in front of Baltimore’s Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse on St Patrick’s Day.

State Delegate Patrick McDonough, who represents Baltimore and Harford counties, having witnessed that and a black mob melee in the city the same day, complained publicly about the mobs, calling for the mayor to declare the Inner Harbor a “no travel zone.” He issued a press release titled “Black Youth Mobs Terrorize Baltimore.”


If blacks declared a race war on whites, it would be over very quickly, and white people would win. Further, such hateful talk only does one thing — sympathetic white people turn against you and learn to fear you. 

