Sign of the Times: The National Budget

We have a better idea. See Economy

Economy: Since our nation was founded on values coupling personal endeavor with joint co-operation, European Americans have demonstrated over the years that we all are better off when we adhere to fundamental standards of social justice and free enterprise. This is to say the federal government would adhere to the Tenth Amendment as originally intended by allowing each state’s citizens to create and maintain the kind of economy only the best and brightest can create, including international cordial trade policies with all other nations.


The implication of course is those that facilitated NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, the Federal Reserve and the IRS would have much to answer for. Consequently those organizations, which do not have our people’s best economic interests at heart, would be gone overnight.


The best tax system to replace the punishing graduated tax code European Americans are now forced to endure through “voluntary compliance” would be the Fair Tax, or something akin to it, ensuring people keep all of what they earn while funding the government on the retail side. “Dog-eat-dog” global economics that has resulted in off shoring, outsourcing, the destruction of unions, and the gutting of the US economy would be outlawed. Incentives such as tax breaks for corporations to participate would be generous.


A WN USA would therefore promote economic nationalism, which places the economy at the service of the nation; believing that the welfare of our people should supplant all other things, including the capacity of multinational corporations to abuse or disregard our people for uninhibited profit margins. Again as far as international trade is concerned, the United States would trade freely with anyone who wishes to do business, provided it doesn’t minimize or harm our own manufacturing base.
