A Response to Hate at Texas A & M

RE: Texas A&M University’s “Multicultural Services” seminar on dismantling White identity and privilege:
Multicultural Services
Contact Dr. Dianne Kraft
Dear Ms. Kraft;
Since your name appears as the lead contact for the subject at hand we are writing to you.
The fact that a high profile university such as Texas A & M would allow, let alone encourage, an indoctrination seminar that clearly targets a specific racial group for ‘dismantling’ is reprehensible. 
Every other demographic-based organization in America has established organizations to protect its children and grandchildren from unwanted and derogatory names labels and attacks.  Only European Americans are considered fair game as demonstrated at your ‘seminar.’ This tells us the overseers of the Marxist brainwashing factory disguised as a university have no virtue or scruples. Seminars such as these are merely an ‘educational’ ruse used to hypocritically impugn our people’s motivations or moral fiber often without any indisputable hard evidence, the outcome of which is nothing more than racial conquest. What an immoral waste of student’s time money and intellect. Moreover, hate-bsed actions from the likes of your peers at Texas A & M as well other groups to numerous to list is now resulting in unimaginable upheaval in every aspect of our lives.
“Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact”. (-Honoré de Balzac)
Very truly
Board of DirectorsEuropean Americans United
Note: Be advised this letter has been made public at our news site, Western Voices World News.
