RE: Muhammad Ali Interview

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

by Lillie K.

He was perfect. He had it all down, rapid fire, concise, to the point and dead on.  He was an advocate, confrontational and not willing to change his ideas.  What a great guy.

Who was that wimpy, pathetic white guy?  What a sniveling suckup to whoever is trying to promote this mix it up agenda.

“So You Think You can Dance” is on Fox 26 in Houston, Texas at 7:00 p.m. on some nights.  Every couple is racially mixed.  They don’t look happy.  They look like they were forced to dance with the black guy.

All white girls are with dark or oriental men.  Absurd.

Ali was golden.  No one can refute what he was saying.  Who in the audience clapped when he said that it was a “religion of despair?”  What kind of crap was in the audience?

I am so tired of people being oblivious to the constant hammering of being gay and making gay people seem mainstream and acceptable.

The gay thing is really being loaded into overdrive with an illegal alien male wanting to stay because he is “married” to a native.

I really liked when Ali said no other kind of woman could make him happy or know his needs or share enjoyment of music than an American black woman.  Alpha male who loves his race.  And definitely not gay.

This clip needs to be shown far and wide.

NOTE: Ali’s points concerning racial pride, and his admonition to white people who do not agree with him has resulted in numerous favorable comments from many different people Thank you one and all. –Ed.
