Obama’s Quasi Amnesty Directive Skirts Congress

Recent reports detail the displeasure Barack Obama has encountered from longstanding radical Hispanic nationalism advocates such as La Raza, MALDEF, MEChA, LULAC and ACLU for his lack of implementation of the amnesty they seek.


Flying under the radar, however, is the fact that the Obama administration is implementing a quasi-amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, just in time mobilize a grateful thrust of new Hispanic voters for the 2012 election. The stealth DREAM Act provides illegals with amnesty and residency permits. This new directive goes hand-in-hand with the intent “to implement policies to stop the deportation and removal of individuals charged with, but not convicted of, minor traffic offenses who have no other criminal history or egregious immigration violations.”

Top officials at the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency announced the new rules via this 6-page “prosecutorial discretion” memo which states officials need not enforce immigration laws if illegal aliens are enrolled in an education center or if their relatives have volunteered for the US military.


This action comes on the heels of a threat issued to a skittish Obama by U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (Dem-Ill), who says he will urge Latino voters to stay home in November without a solid amnesty proposal.


Recently, leaders of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials minced no words in criticizing Obama for skipping their annual conference for the third consecutive year. As a candidate in 2008, he promised that he would return as president.


“It’s getting harder and harder for the president to go into a venue where he is confronted by Latinos because he is in a jam,” said Gutierrez, an early Obama supporter. A close congressional ally of Jeff Flake’s, Gutierrez has pressured the Obama administration to impose amnesty via executive order.


In what he has announced will be a $ BILLION campaign Obama is facing disillusioned American citizens who are suffering the highest unemployment and home foreclosure rates since the Great Depression, as he continues unabated spending. A new voter base of indebted illegals magically made legal could ensure his reelection.


Rep. Jeff Flake has partnered with the radically liberal Gutierrez on myriad left-of-center issues, including legislation which mirrors the new administration directive. But Flake is a U.S. Senate candidate now and has abandoned his previous positions as in this ambitiously revealing statement: “In the past I have supported a broad approach to immigration reform — increased border security coupled with a temporary worker program. I no longer do.” Jeff Flake’s illegal immigration position switcheroo was predictable, as he emulates his mentor, John McCain.  The amnesty proponents at the Arizona Republic were so shattered they editorially referred to Flake as a mere “politician” — no longer a “statesman.”


Previously, Gutierrez heaped high praise on their association, as in this article for Progress Illinois in which he acknowledges Flake’s joint efforts to “help him turn more red states blue”  –  just the trait Republicans are looking for in a U.S. Senate candidate.


The time has come to ask senate candidate Flake about his odd proclivity, since he claims to be a Republican.

