Sleeping Beauty and the Sheep

We have many sleeping beauties among white people…

by Jahan Khalili

Whenever I talk to them (White Americans–Ed.) about their people’s problems here where I live, I get the attitude of “Leave me alone, this is making me uncomfortable, etc.”. A few times, I met people who were working for the US gov, in some sensitive capacity.

When I spoke about the problems of white America to them, it was as if they were on a racetrack and someone had fired a starter gun. They jumped, bounced on their heels, were all nervous, then they were gone – never to be seen again.

Perhaps this isn’t surprising. Modern Americans have been conditioned to be consumers from childhood. Everything is a sales pitch, and sales pitches are down to a science.

Their comfort levels have been scientifically evaluated and monitored, and the way sales pitches are made to them tends to keep them comfortable while they are being fleeced.

With their dedication to the sacred idea of their personal comfort, and their trusting of their fleecer/handlers, there is often little opportunity to approach them and get them to pay attention.

Breaking into a sheep farm, where sheep patiently and comfortably await being shorn, and trying to get the sheep to stop being good little sheep for their handlers would be very difficult.

You would probably have to take away the farm and the routine and the shearers, to even begin to get the sheep to start acting like their ancestors again.
