Winter Solstice Eclipse 21 December

We should have posted this piece much earlier than now. Our apologies. — Ed.

Understandably, there has been some considerable interest in the upcoming lunar eclipse of the Winter Solstice. In a prior post, I shared some of my thoughts on the astrological impact of the Winter Solstice, and what it could possibly mean for us. Now it’s time to take a look at the eclipse itself.

Once again I must start this post with a disclaimer: I am not an astrologist. I’m not an expert at reading charts, let alone trying to create one. What I am is a Pagan with over twenty-five years of experience under my belt, and hopefully I’ve gained a little wisdom over the years. With a bit of research, some meditation, and a touch of inspiration from my tarot cards, hopefully I can come up with some thoughts to share. Mind you…these will be my own thoughts, and you may or may not agree with me.

The first thing that strikes me about this lunar eclipse is the fact that it is occurring on the Winter Solstice. December lunar eclipses are not that rare – in fact, we have had several in the past couple of years. But to have one fall directly on the Winter Solstice – well, that’s not quite so common. But this begs the question…just when was the last Winter Solstice lunar eclipse?

