March of the Illegal Aliens

by Neal Boortz

OK .. let’s cut the crap here. Time for some frank comments about this nonsense that took place over the weekend .. these marches held by illegal aliens and their enablers. Did you see the signs they were carrying? How about “We are human.” OK, fine. We’ll accept that. So … tell me where in any of these laws is there a suggestion that you aren’t human? What the hell does that mean … “we are human” … anyway?

Over the weekend I finally realized that I’ve had more than enough of this BS about profiling and discrimination and other such nonsense. With very few exceptions these people have one goal with their protests .. one demand .. one cause; and that cause is most definitely NOT to make sure the cops don’t engage in racial profiling to identify and deal with illegal aliens. This is about amnesty. Nothing less. The ONLY thing that will satisfy the bulk of the people marching over the weekend is unconditional amnesty for crimes committed — and that includes the crime of illegal entry into the United States — and instantaneous legal status in this country. Instant PERMANENT legal status.

This isn’t about immigration reform. To these marchers immigration reform is just another way of saying amnesty. Any immigration proposals that move through either Washington DC or the states that does not include amnesty for criminal aliens is not immigration reform to these folks at all, and will not satisfy the invaders. It’s as if they’re saying:

“Ok, we’re here. We broke the law coming here. We broke the law staying here, and we’re breaking the law working here … and frankly, amigos, we don’t give a damn whether you like it or not. The problem is yours, not ours. We’re here, we’re not going anywhere, and there isn’t really anything you can do about it. If you arrest us — if you so much as look at us cross-eyed — we’re going to start screaming racial profiling and human rights abuses so fast and so loudly that there won’t be a news agency in the world that will not come running to demonize your country. ”

At the risk of being a bit repetitive, just know this. Whenever you hear a Democrat, an illegal alien, an advocacy group for illegal aliens, or any member of the ObamaMedia use the words “comprehensive immigration reform,” they’re just using a bit more air and some extra words to say “amnesty for illegals.”

And just what is this load of bull about profiling. Glad you asked. It’s nothing less than a tactic used to make the job of law enforcement much more difficult than it needs to be. The true goal of those who scream “profiling” is to make it virtually impossible to enforce immigration laws. Virtually all of the illegals in Arizona are Hispanic, most Mexican, and to find the illegals you really do, of necessity, have to look for Latinos and if you look for Latinos you’re profiling. How asinine is this? Mexicans are invading Arizona, but you when you go looking for the invaders … for the law breakers … you can’t go looking for Mexicans. Doesn’t that sound just a bit ridiculous?

And remember this final fact .. from the political viewpoint it’s all about votes; all about power. Isn’t that always the final story?
