Debra Medina for Texas Governor 2010

Private property and gun ownership are essential elements of freedom.

Eliminate property tax:
We must eliminateproperty tax in Texas. We can fund necessary government services moreefficiently and fairly using a broader based sales tax. Eliminatingproperty tax and deriving that revenue from a sales tax will mean a $3 billion increase in net personal income in Texas and will add 125,000-175,000 new jobs. [pdf]

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Protect gun ownership:Protecting freedom requires that the people be well armed. Governmentcannot protect us from violence, we must defend ourselves. Texans mustnot compromise and must not surrender their right to keep and beararms. We must not only nullify federal laws that threaten that rightbut encourage citizens to be, as Madison encouraged, “trained to arms,as that is the best and most natural defense of a free country.”

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Secure our border:Texas must promote healthy immigration and trade through the legalports of entry. We cannot wait on Washington D.C. to act. As governor Iwill make addressing illegal immigration and promoting sovereignty atop priority.

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Restore Sovereignty:The U.S. Constitution not only protects citizens’ freedoms in the Billof Rights, it also divides power between the federal and stategovernments and ultimately reserves final authority for the peoplethemselves. Texas must stop the over reaching federal government andnullify federal mandates in agriculture, energy, education, healthcare,industry, and any other areas D.C. is not granted authority by theConstitution.

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There’s a blatant disconnect between politicians and the people theyare elected to represent. This political disregard of what’s best forthe People of Texas and the profiteering of special interests hasfueled a fire that is spreading across this Great State. We Texans nowhave the opportunity to put the Governor’s mansion back in the hands ofthe people through Debra Medina, a business woman, rancher, wife,mother, homeschooler and person of utmost integrity.

ForDebra Medina, politics isn’t about party, it’s about the peoplerepresented by those elected to government office. Debra Medina is thebest candidate to put Texas back in the hands of Texans by leading theway to a return of constitutional government.


