2010 And Beyond

“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.” – Nikola Tesla

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

The Christmas season of 2009 and all of the New Year’s celebrations are over. We have entered the year 2010, the last year of the first decade of the 21st century, the current century of the Common Era in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. The 21st century began on January 1, 2001 and will end on December 31, 2100. In the interim of course there is much to expect, IF you have been paying attention to recent trends.

I don’t have to tell you that 2009 has been marked with great upheaval.
I shouldn’t have to tell you that we have witnessed great social and political turmoil; trends that bode ill for the future of white Americans. And that, as you know, is my ONLY concern and it should be YOUR only concern—again, if you’ve been paying attention.

Over the course of this past year Western Voices World News has confirmed in more than explicit terms what our ethnic group, and by extension our nation, is facing in terms of our cultural survival; our rightful place in a nation founded BY European man FOR European man. Therefore, I’ll not rehash or diagram our recent history because I believe those who genuinely care have not only observed the same but have also conveyed this information to their associates for the purpose of “fixing things.”
I think we can agree, however, that the single most damaging thing to take place was the massive hoodwinking of the general public — and the resultant election — of a mulatto race conscious socialist who has surrounded himself with some of the most ideologically poisonous creatures we have ever seen in the history of American politics. I also know we can agree that everything these people in Washington are doing is designed in whole or in part to further cripple and eventually “de-legitimize” white Americans even more than they are now. In fact I would go so far as to say fifty years of emotional civil rights brainwashing and our uncontrolled shift to open immigration is what has prepared the ground and sown the seeds of decay that now thrive in our midst.

For example so-called health care reform, bank bailouts, the federal government’s takeover of the auto industry, the TARP money fiasco, job “stimulus” payments, hate crime laws, an immigration reform scheme, double digit unemployment, tax increases, soaring energy costs, domestic and international terrorist attacks, are like the limbs of a greater evil — demonstrating where we are headed and what it will be like for our children and their children’s children. Responsible European Americans, the dwindling majority, should be in a state of shock at all of the unfairness; of the federally sanctioned bribery, corruption and fraud taking place in Washington in spite of the fact that a growing majority of Americans oppose this behavior.We have to do more to oppose these corrupt and fraudulent politicians, much more because not only will our descendants be financially crippled, they will also be a numerical minority.

Of course let’s not forget the media is largely responsible for the creation and maintenance of unwilling and unknowing American dupes, mindless voters and equality nuts — many of whom are just now realizing they are not willing participants (with equal culpability) in Washington’s unindicted felonies. I mean really, the discriminatory nature of all of these insidious transactions is so unconstitutional it absolutely boggles the mind as to how no legal body will challenge them now, or in the future for that matter when all is said and done. Indeed, the dream of the Frankfurt School disciples of the sixties has all but come to fruition. Unmitigated gall and existential hate, especially for European Americans is now and has always been our enemies’ stock in trade. By attacking and silencing America’s host population, by implanting manufactured consent along with self serving plausible deniability they are on the verge of socialist victory. 

One sterling example is the cancerous persistent accusation of “racist” whenever someone with the wrong skin color attacks president Obama’s policies—or that of any other favored group or non-white activist for that matter. In other words our enemies cannot handle arguments or anger unless the situation is managed in a tightly controlled environment. And if we stay on our present course it will only get worse. If you think the bold but somewhat benign implicitly white Tea Party groups catching hell now is bad just wait a little while. I just wish they would evolve into a rational yet “in your face” explicitly ethnic movement.

Yes, 2009 has been quite a year, a very troubling year, and I urge you to review Western Voices World News archive to see what I mean.

In no uncertain terms then, we as white nationalists are slow to gain a solid foothold despite our calls to action because those who came before us, and ourselves, no longer control our sources of information, entertainment, education and politics. Moreover, political correctness – which stifles free speech and risks livelihoods — would not be a matter of de rigueur had we not allowed these informational and social vectors to be hijacked by internationalists and multicultural coastal urban types. While there is progress being made out there as reported by Western Voices World News we as a demographic co-op basically “forgot” how to aggressively transfer a successful ethnic civilization’s attributes onto the next generation without fear.

So how do we solve this dilemma in 2010?

1] We have to find real leaders and marginalize the madmen.

2] We have to “un-mute” the attentive that are fearful and help them find their voices.

3] We have to instill a conviction for people to act.

4] We have to point out that ethnic political advocacy conducted with sanity and vigor is not only possible, it is urgently needed; that our European kinsmen across the pond are successfully doing so under very repressive conditions.

5] We must explicitly take the national stage and replace illogical emotion with bravery and guts.

6] We must all actively participate in large ways and small until the command centers in America, which are on the verge of imploding, experience one shock wave after another and the rotten system as we know it is removed from power.

Once these things are accomplished we can then move onto matters that seem to be of interest to European Americans exclusively– more than any other group; things we already know have been boiling up below the surface for several years now with increasing frequency — if you’ve been paying attention.

Among the matters we need to address are the following:

1] Ending the debt enslavement that has led to the political and economic weakening of European Americans and replace it with something akin to the Fair Tax and internal tariffs.

2] Enforce a total ban on all Third World immigration and create a nationwide condition that generates voluntary repatriation.

3] Abolish all hate crime laws.

4] A withdrawal of all military forces from around the world, except for those regions that pose an imminent threat to our people.

5] Reconsider all foreign aid on a cost benefit analysis including a withdrawal from the UN, the IMF and other global bodies and treaties.

6] End all forms of affirmative action and set asides.

7] Encourage a return to larger families with an emphasis on self sufficiency.

8] End all forms of desegregation by encouraging diverse racial groups to live and work among their own.

9] We need a re-evaluation of social services and wealth redistribution, but with an emphasis on assisting the elderly

10] Replace anti-Western curricula that are in our schools and universities now and replace it with those that accentuate historical realism, national pride, and promote a healthy respect for Nature.

11] We have to discourage urban sprawl and enforce the preservation of unused farmland.

12] We need a return to an unembellished interpretation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the pursuit of a representative Republic as set forth in our Founder’s secondary writings.

The list could go on but you get the point.

In short and in conclusion: if you have been paying attention you will know that ethnic autonomy for European Americans (nationalism) — as practiced by blacks, mestizos, Jews, gays, and Asians — IS fully justified. Not only that it will also pay off in dividends in 2010 and beyond if /when the welfare state collapses, mass shortages spread and (y)our trustworthy followers at long last open their eyes.

Join us.

Our postal address is:

European Americans United
P.O. Box 276526
Sacramento, CA 95827
