Debunking Global Warming — BNP Releases Briefing Paper

Global warming, as defined by global policymakers, is a LIE.

The British National Party has releaseda sensational 40–page briefing paper in which the case for calling intoquestion “man-made global warming” is presented in detail.

The introduction of the paper, which can be downloaded in full by clicking here, states that the BNP is “not a scientific body. It is a political party which believes in the integrity of the nation state.”

However, the paper goes on to state,the “party is deeply sceptical of the view promulgated by theinternational political elite that global warming is man-made.

“The BNP, like all interested bodies,must weigh the evidence carefully and reach an opinion. In so doing, itmust also identify, within the debate, vested interests and influences,both covert and overt.”

The paper points out that there hasbeen “so little debate” which in itself is “remarkable, given thatthere are many thousands of scientists who have questioned the thesisof man-made global warming. Attempts by these experts to challenge the‘warmists’ to debate their contention have been spurned.

“When an argumentreaches politically-correct dimensions, not least by the BBC, itbecomes questionable for that reason alone. Why is debate thwarted? Whyare those who hold a contrary opinion silenced and ostracised and bywhom?”

