Can America Be Saved?

The first step in setting this up must be the creation of a European-American Political Action Committee (EUPAC).

by Arthur Kemp

I am currently busy with a new bookdirected specifically at white Americans. It will start with a briefoverview of the racial demographic problem facing the United States ofAmerica, but is mainly focused on a solution rather than restating theobvious.

The solution, the book will argue, lies in real political participation.

For too long, pro-white activists inAmerica have been led down the garden path by a bunch of psychopaths,losers, and do-nothing cranks.

I have identified these groups as “cancers” in the so-called “right wing.”

Only once these cancers have been firmly expelled or closed down, will there be any chance of realistic political action.

In fact, I will argue, one of theprimary reasons why America sits on the edge of a racial catastrophe isbecause of the malignant influence of these cancers.

The Nazi-costumed freaks, the mentallyill-Christian Identity adherents and the disgraceful skinheads have allallowed the enemies of white America to smear anybody who opposes thedestruction of that country as crackpots.

The irony of this is not lost: thosegroups are indeed crackpots. But why then is there no “sensible” whiteAmerican political movement?

Why did the Ron Paul-type politics not emerge twenty years ago, like it should have?

The answer is because the majority ofpeople who understand the issue of racial demographics have been suckedup into the dead-end politics of the cancers listed below.

The chapter headings of the new book are as follows:

