Defending the Natural Society

To control thought, totalitarians redefine words and change the meaning of legal terms.

We are encouraged to pretend thatpeople coming here from countries we have invaded are bringing benefitsand bear us no ill will. Can you imagine what people would have said ifwe had been allowing 700 Germans to enter the country each month whenwe were at war with the Nazis? Well, 700 a month are entering fromAfghanistan but contemporary elites have lost touch with reality andare trying to compel us to do the same.

The whole notion of building amultiracial society is so unrealistic and artificial that it causesperverse behaviour. The media have to constantly lie to us to make itappear that it is working, but this attempt to create an artificialsociety is leading to racial tension and mutual racial hatreds. Theelites blame us when things go wrong but they themselves have caused it.

Many Conservatives have been more hard-line than us. During the war,the Duke of Marlborough wrote to his cousin, Winston Churchill, askinghim to keep Black GIs away from white women.

Three-times British Prime Minister,Stanley Baldwin, on 24 May 1929, said: “…that each one of us, so far asin him lies, will strive to keep these islands a fit nursery for ourrace.”

The natural society is organic andevolves naturally among people who belong together. The living honourthe dead by passing on what they have inherited to their children, butnow we are perversely having our inheritance dissipated by the elitesand shared with outsiders they bring as cheap labour.

Edmund Burke defined a nation whichinvolves a shared identity, history and ancestry, and continuity: “… itbecomes a partnership not only between those who are living and thosewho are dead, but between those who are living and those who are dead,and those who are to be born.”

One deceitful trick is to labelpatriots as Nazis, Fascists or uneducated. A racial world view is atraditional world view and goes back to our Anglo-Saxon tribal days.

We have a tradition of conserving our homogeneity and had better and more pleasant lives for being homogenous.

