Media Silence: Shots Fired At Lou Dobbs’ Home

Following weeks of threatening phone calls over Lou Dobb’s negativity toward mass immigration from Mexico, someone took a shot at his occupied home.

Recently a lot of hubbub had been made about the possibility thatthe peaceful tea party protests and some conservative voices would stirup emotions that could lead to violence. Speaker of the House NancyPelosi was even one of those sounding that alarm.

Butwhat has gone unsaid by those same voices has been the possibility ofviolence against those who might take a position antithetical to thatof the left.

Case in point: CNN’s Lou Dobbs. Dobbs, who has been the target of a smear campaign by the left-wing noise machine, told his radio audience on Oct. 26 that his home had been shot at three weeks earlier. (Unabbreviated audio available here)


But we’ve got to start being honest,” Dobbs said. “Instead, thenational liberal media has chosen sides and they’ve decided thatthey’re going to focus on the liberal view, which is that they willembrace illegal immigration – no matter who is harmed, no matter howmany laws are broken or how few consequences there are for breakingthose laws.”

Dobbs had been attacked by Fox News host Geraldo Rivera earlier and told his listeners that following these events that he was in no mood for attacks from Rivera.

