One Of Ours

The boy aged two with Einstein’s IQ, Oscar is Britain’s youngest boy to be accepted into Mensa.

The submission of this news item brought to mind for this editor the spectacle of Micheal Jackson’s all black televised memorial wherein Jamie Foxx alluded in a kind of vicarious group declaration that white people around the world ought to be glad blacks “shared” him with “us.” Without BET’s assistance here’s one of OUR white contributions to the world’s people.–Ed.

While other two-year-olds are discovering the joy of playgrounds,Oscar Wrigley would rather be learning about wildlife or the history ofAncient Rome.

Hehas recently taken to conducting classical music as he listens in theback of the car and identifies the different instruments.

So his parents were not surprised when, at the ripe old age oftwo years, five months and 11 days, he became the youngest boy inBritain to be accepted by Mensa.

With an IQ of at least 160, he has the same score as the likes of Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

‘Oscar was recently telling my wife about the reproductive cycleof penguins,’ said his father Joe, 29, an IT specialist from Reading inBerkshire.


Oscar’s parents say he started talking at nine months and by 18 months he was reciting the alphabet in the bath.

By the time he turned two he had a vocabulary stretching tothousands of words while most children his age would have mastered only50 or so.

Mr and Mrs Wrigley say they encourage him to follow any activity in which he shows interest.

Heis already showing a gift for music and has asked for a saxophone forChristmas despite the fact he is far too small to be able to play.

‘He will sit in the back of the car listening to the IndianaJones soundtrack and he’ll be conducting with his fingers,’ said MrWrigley.


‘Then he’ll say, “Here comes the brass with the French horn” and then “Here come the strings”.’

