NumbersUSA Members Respond to Pres. Obama’s “Demagogue” Comment

We are potential domestic terrorists,  traitors,un-American; we are astroturf and the president nowcalls us demagogues.

Earlier this month, Pres. Obama took a shot at the opponents of Amnesty by labeling them as demagogues. Roy responded by requesting a meeting with the President, and NumbersUSA members responded with their own thoughts as well.

Roy posted a blog last Thursday, “Mr. President, We Are Not Demagogues — Please Talk With Us,”responding to Pres. Obama’s comment. We’ve been allowing members topost responses to our blogs for more than a year now, and few blogshave generated the kind of member response as Roy’s blog last week.

Most responses expressed anger, and several came from politicalopponents of Pres. Obama. But many of NumbersUSA’s members whosupported the President in last fall’s election expressed theirfrustration over his stance on immigration.

Pres. Obama made the derogatory comment about opponents of Amnestyduring a trip to Mexico. He also offered a timeline for an Amnesty billwith legislation to be drafted this fall and a debate to begin afterthe first of the year. Senate Immigration Subcommittee Chair Chuck Schumerhas said that he plans to unveil an outline, if not proposedlegislation, shortly after Labor Day. Both Schumer and Obama havestated that increased enforcement would be a centerpiece of immigrationreform, but it would also include Amnesty for the nation’s 12-20million illegal aliens.

Some NumbersUSA members offered their analysis of the President’s comment.

