Obama Protecting Your Right To Vote—Unless You’re White

The GOP should consider (gasp!) actually, you know, protecting the voting rights of 90% of its voters.

After  Gatesgate turned  white voters off of Obama, some Republican Party apparatchiks have started doing something  completely out of character—using common sense.

Instead of cowering from “racism” allegations, they are using the enormous unpopularity of Obama’s response to Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates’ arrest to pull the “post-racial” veneer off our race-obsessed president.

During the 2008 election campaign, the McCain campaign and the Republican National Committee refused to bring up Rev. Wright’s anti-white rantings—even going as far as attacking the North Carolina GOP for mentioning it. But now the National Republican Senatorial Committee has put ads on Drudge Report asking visitors to sign a petition criticizing Obama’s response.

GOP strategist George Fletcher was quoted saying that Obama got “really close to losing the image he has as a post-racial president. For a few days, the question for a lot of people became, ‘Wait a minute. Is he the president of the United States? Or is he just the president of minorities?’”  

On Election Day, three leaders of the New Black Panther Party,   King Samir Shabazz, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson, were  videotaped in paramilitary uniformed wielding nightsticks outside of a polling station in Philadelphia intimidating poll observers and voters.  Poll watcher Bartle Bull signed an  affidavit stating

“I watched the two uniformed men confront voters, and attempt to intimidate voters. They were positioned in a location that forced every voter to pass in close proximity to them. The weapon was openly displayed and brandished in plain sight of voters…

“Their clear purpose and intent was to intimidate voters with whom they did not agree. Their views were, in part, made apparent by the uniform of the organization the two men wore and the racially charged statements they made. For example, I heard the shorter man make a statement directed toward white poll observers that ‘you are about to be ruled by the black man,  cracker.’”

