The Moral High Ground?

Try and say that Europe has ethnic people and traditions that must bepreserved too and you will run into a wall of hostility.  Marxists havemanaged to bully people of the north European cultures into acceptingthat they have no racial identification.

by David Hamilton

Conservative philosopher Roger Scruton has written that “ an ideologyneeds an enemy”.  In the West that is us – “whites”.  The chosen methodis to dehumanise the enemy so that it can be persecuted or evenassassinated without conscience.  They think it will fool the publicwhen they try to outlaw the BNP’s racial admission rules, despiteleaving the various black and Asian groups to operate their own racialmembership policies.

These comments show the Ideological Caste’s dehumanisation of itsenemies in language they would otherwise eagerly attribute to Nazis:

Trevor Phillips: “The BNP should be treated as less than human”.
Nick Bourne – Welsh Tory MP: “The BNP are subhuman”

The voice of whites in Britain is the BNP and the wholeestablishment is conspiring to de-humanise them with a level ofincitement that is unprecedented.  If this type of hate campaign wasagainst another ethnic group they would be facing a seven year jailsentence.  The whole Establishment has shown itself to be the same typeof hate-filled ideologues that dehumanised Jews in Nazi Germany.  It isan ideology of hate like those in Soviet Russia, Mao’s China andCambodia against a particular group.

