Classroom Thugs

ADL’s Anti-Bullying Laws


The Anti-Defamation League made hate crime laws to censor Christians and conservative adults. Why stop there? Every 1984 scenario teaches social engineers to start with the young’uns. ADL listened. Their “anti-bullying” bills are Hate Laws for Kids—now being passed in a state near you.

More and more states are passing anti-bullying laws or stiffening existing laws so they specify especially forbidden types of bullying (anti-homosexual, anti-black, etc.) just like hate crime laws. In addition, ADL is solidifying its partnership with the National School Boards Association, promising to indoctrinate our kids and teachers for decades to come.These laws, of course, are incredibly powerful social engineering tools. They teach children, from the earliest ages, about what to think and what to say aloud. Kids should be protected from being beat up or physically harassed; teachers and older kids have intervened against bullies for as long as schools have existed. But anti-bullying laws are not about punishing kids who inflict black eyes. They are hate crime laws for the classroom. They identify specific kinds of bias that might motivate bullies, and blacken those beliefs—even if they are as traditional and moral as thinking homosexuality is wrong.

North Carolina is just one state examining anti-bullying law. A law has been proposed which would force public schools to have anti-bullying policies that specifically list “16 potential motives for bullies, including race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity…”   North Carolina already requires school anti-bullying policies; that isn’t enough for activists who want classes of victims (and the “biased” beliefs that motivate bullies) specifically listed. These laws all differentiate between classes of victims, giving special attention and protection to some. What this really means in practice is giving special negative attention to certain prejudices or beliefs.

In NC, the “proposed bill defines bullying or harassing behavior as any pattern of gestures including any written, verbal, or electronic form along with any physical acts threatening any school employee or student creating a hostile environment on school property including school functions and on school buses.”  A hostile environment? That’s just as vague as the workplace “anti-hate” laws that chill free speech on the job. We are enacting law using language as vague as the word “hostile,” which will then be left to the discretion of liberal teachers and administrators to define. Surely many teachers would think an “I love Jesus” t-shirt creates a hostile environment for non-Christians. Soon any political or religious expression that strays from the politically correct orthodoxy will be silenced, by state law.

My state of Oregon is also stiffening its anti-bullying laws. Our bill will require every school district and charter to designate a bully investigator. In Minnesota, the governor vetoed anti-bullying legislation, a “shock” to its supporters.  Homosexual activists were disappointed; conservative critics were pleased. “The bill, which would have directed school districts to provide teachers, staff and administration with training on how to address bullying, passed both the House and Senate with large bipartisan margins and had the backing of a broad coalition of community organizations.” But the governor vetoed it, saying it duplicated existing law; he may have been responding to energetic protest from concerned Christians and conservatives.

But concerted state-level effort, while valiant, may not be enough. The powerful wave of bias laws curls above our nation at the federal level, threatening to drown our freedoms in a riptide of legislation. It is especially powerful because protestors of these laws almost never address the powerful organization behind them.  

ADL, Please Brainwash my Kid

On May 14, the Anti-Defamation League announced that the National School Boards Association (NSBA) is promoting ADL’s Making Diversity Count instruction for teachers. Oh, lovely. ADL believes that Christians are hateful anti-Semites; that the Bible is classic hate literature; and that Americans concerned about immigration are racists. Yes, that’s exactly who we want to instruct our nation’s teachers about bullying.

Making Diversity Count is a web-based program. ADL says their programs seek “to help participants recognize bias and the harm it inflicts on individuals and society; explore the value of diversity; improve intergroup relations; and combat racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of prejudice and bigotry.  In 2008, its Anti-Bias and Teacher Training programs reached more than 26,000 K-12 educators, administrators and classified staff — together responsible for more than 1 million students.”

ADL recently gave us another example of what it considers bullying to be. The League rebuked the creator of the Doonesbury comic strip for a comic that said Jesus reproved “money-lenders.” ADL said shrilly, “Doonesbury’s Reverend Sloan is guilty of promoting anti-Jewish stereotypes and biblical illiteracy. He owes both Jews and Christians an apology.” This hyper-sensitivity to the smallest words against Jews, homosexuals, or other protected groups now enters our classrooms as ADL is given power to instruct America’s teachers and students about “hate” and “bias.”

At Portland State University, I experienced the way great literary classics are emptied of meaning by Marxist, feminist and other “progressive” literary critics. But soon maybe all the great literature will be swept out entirely. We are raising our children afraid to speak or be spoken to, about a host of forbidden topics. In a land once dedicated to rugged individualism and free-wheeling debate, we are surrendering our liberty of thought in kindergarten, the workplace, and soon on every street corner and in every newspaper column. And we are not surrendering this liberty up to silence on certain topics. Rather we allow far-leftist ADL to enforce stern and fixed positions on questions of race, sexuality, marriage, etc. The next generations will not just be afraid to think for themselves; they will be emotionally and passionately convinced of a host of perverted lies about society, sexuality, gender, freedom, and God Himself.

In 2003, Yale and ADL partnered to study the No Place for Hate program. ADL reported that although students entering the program tended to support “free speech, no matter what the person’s views may be,” the program successfully changed their minds! It caused kids to “moderate their views on unadultered free speech.” ADL is convincing the nation, starting with kids, that certain beliefs—anti-homosexuality being one—are unspeakable.

The program also teaches race guilt and separates society into victim classes. The study says it made kids much more likely to agree with the statement, “U.S. society prevents people of color from getting their fair share of the good things in life, such as better jobs and more money.” ADL’s program thus “had its intended impact on students’ understanding of structural discrimination against people of color in the U.S.” The study found that the program had more influence over kids’ perception of racism than the kids’ own race; it was more effective than being black.

Kids in treatment schools (that’s their term, not mine!) were almost twice as likely to report that they’d heard teasing. The study concludes, “These changes manifested not only in students’ beliefs and attitudes [emphasis mine but in their anti-bias behaviors in school situations and in a situation where they had the opportunity to stand up to bias in society at large.” Excuse me, but I thought schools existed to teach facts, not beliefs. Obviously, ADL disagrees.

Just like hate crime legislation, anti-bullying laws—created by the Jewish supremacists of ADL B’nai B’rith—exist to shatter the moral and social foundations of our once-Christian nation. They heap racial guilt on our youth, and teach kids that criticizing homosexuality is wrong. They forbid traditional beliefs that have now become politically incorrect. These laws are yet another reason Americans of all persuasions should speak out against ADL B’nai B’rith and its sinister legislative thrusts. Americans should also examine and protest the anti-bullying laws assaulting freedom of thought in our kids’ schools.

If any bullies need to be kicked out of school, it’s ADL.
